Dr. Larry Kurdek Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is for Psychology majors who are full-time students with at least 30 credit hours at Wright State. Successful recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0. First preference will be given to students who have an interest in clinical psychology, family psychology or gay and lesbian issues.
Jane Haley Scholarship Fund
48566, 48403, 48404, 48432, 48481
This Fund was established to support students in engineering majors. This award is valued at $1,000 per year for a total of four years.
2 + 2 Organizational Leadership Scholarship
48501, 48561, 48579
WOEF scholarship awarded to 2 students who are Organizational Leadership majors. Each award is $500.
2nd Lieutenant Eric M. Payton Scholarship
ROTC, Army
This scholarship is for WSU Army ROTC cadets who exhibit the leadership attributes that epitomize 2LT Eric Payton.
AAP St. Marys Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who graduated from St. Marys High School with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to the son or daugher of an AAP employee. One award for $1,000.
Aaron and Lois Cook Endowed Scholarship-CECS
need, continuing, full-time, financial need, continuing, STEM
This scholarship is for continuing STEM majors who have obtained a 2.5 gpa. Recipients must be a full-time student with demonstrated financial need.
Aaron and Lois Cook Endowed Scholarship-COSM
need, continuing, full-time, financial need, continuing, STEM
This scholarship is for continuing STEM majors who have obtained a 2.5 gpa. Recipients must be a full-time student with demonstrated financial need.
ABM Endowed Scholarship
continuing, undergraduate, need, financial need
The ABM Endowed Scholarship supports students who have successfully completed one year at Wright State. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.5 with preference given to those with demonstrated financial need.
Academic Excellence Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is a recent graduate of one of the following high schools: Ansonia, Celina, Coldwater, Ft. Recovery, Marion Local, Minster, Mississinawa Valley, New Bremen, New Knoxville, Parkway, Spencerville, St. Henry, St. Marys, Van Wert, Versailles, Wapakoneta and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
ACB-Ohio Scholarship Fund
blind, visually impaired, legally blind, Disability Services, disability
This scholarship is for students who are legally blind or visually impaired.
Accountancy Awards & Scholarships
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors.
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
acute care nursing, graduate, College of Nursing & Health, 3.20 gpa
48361, 48587, 48568
This scholarship is for graduate nursing students in the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program
Adam Cline Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing
English, creative writing, junior
48435, 48567
This scholarship is for English majors who have reached junior status, have a minimum gpa of 2.75 and have an emphasis in Creative Writing. Preference will be given to those who are registered with Disability Services, or writing from a socially aware perspective. Applicants must submit a work of non-poetry creative writing with their application.
Adam Garapic Memorial Scholarship
Dayton Campus, financial need, residential, need
48587, 48562
This scholarship is for Wright State students who have overcome adversity, with first preference going to those who are residential students. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.0. Please contact Residence Life & Housing for details on how to apply.
Adams-Robinson Construction Wright STEPP Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who have completed the Wright STEPP Program.
Adapted Recreation Scholarship
disability, adapted recreation, recreation
This scholarship supports full-time or part-time continuing students who have a minimum gpa of 2.0. First preference will be given to applicants with physical or sensory disabilities who have participated in Adapted Recreation Programs. Please contact the Student Union office for details on how to apply.
Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Scholarship
Nursing, graduate, adult, health, clinical, nurse,
This scholarship is for graduate nursing students in the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Specialist Program.
Advancement Division Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who are affiliated with the Advancement Division and have a minimum gpa of 2.8.
African American Alumni Society Scholarship
This scholarship is for students from the Miami Valley.
African and African American Studies Scholarship
African, African American, financial need, need based,
This scholarship is for students with financial need in the African and African-American Studies Program.
Aim High Scholarship
This scholarship supports Clinical Psychology students who have the desire to succeed. Award amount will vary.
Air Force ROTC Scholarship Fund
Air Force, ROTC
This scholarship is for WSU ROTC cadets who have a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Albert David Slutzker M.D. Memorial Scholarship
need, financial need, medical, medicine, School of Medicine, Boonshoft School of Medicine
48587, 48576
Established in memory of Dr. Albert Slutzker, this scholarship support medical students who have financial need. Each award will be $5,000 as funds are available.
Alex T. Porter, M.D. Memorial Fund
Medical, Med, Anesthesiology
48576, 48482
This fund supports 4th year disadvantaged medical students who have been matched in anesthesiology. Contact the Student Affairs Office for details on how to apply.
Allen Jones Scholarship
Middle Childhood Education
48412, 48484, 48485, 48486
This award will not be given on the basis of gpa, test scores, or any numerical data of student potential. The award will be given to a student who ordinarily would be turned away from receiving funds. The required major for this scholarship will rotate each year.
Alphonso L. Smith Endowed Scholarship for Mathematics
Math, Mathematics, need, financial need
48480, 48587
This scholarship will support undergraduate junior or senior students who are majoring in Mathematics. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated financial need.
alumni, alumnus, alumnae, first year, freshman, incoming, transfer, continuing, undergraduate, legacy
This scholarship is for students who have an immediate family member that is a current gold level member of the Wright State University Alumni Association and at least in their third consecutive year of gold level membership or a paid-in-full life gold member at the time of application. Applicants must have a high school, transfer, or WSU minumum GPA of 2.7. In the general Essay section of the application, be sure to include your commitment to community service and how you have lived out this commitment in your own experiences.
Alumnus Scholarship Fund
need, financial need, first generation, Raj Soin College of Business, junior, senior
48587, 48574
This scholarship fund supports junior and senior students in the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0, be majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business and have demonstrated leadership and service to the College. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and/or to those who are first in thier family to attend college.
Alyce Earl-Jenkins Scholarship for Rehabilitation Majors
Rehabilitation Services
Successful applicants will be those undergraduate Rehabilitation Services majors who have obtained a 3.0 gpa and are enrolled in the Rehabilitation Internship requirement.
American Legion Howard Batdorf Scholarship
This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate nursing students with demonstrated financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Amigos Latinos Scholarship
Scholarship for students who have supported the mission and work of the Wright State University Latino Center.
This Fund was established to award students who support the mission and work of the Wright State University Latino Center.
Amy & Chris Praeger Memorial Scholarship
nursing, school nurse, graduate, College of Nursing & Health
This scholarship is for Nursing students admitted to the School Nurse Certificate Program and or Nursing students School Nurse Master of Science Program.
Angela Freeman Saxon Scholarship for Working Parents
undergraduate, need, financial need
This scholarship is for undergraduate students who work at least part-time and have at least one dependent.
Anita & Frank Martinez Hispanic Scholarship
nursing, Hispanic, need, financial need, nurse
48497, 48587, 220760
This scholarship is for Nursing students of Hispanic descent. Students must have a minimum gpa of 2.75 or above and have demonstrated financial need. Award amount is $500.
Ann and Robert Weisgarber Scholarship
financial need, junior, senior, College of Liberal Arts, need based, COLA
48587, 48567
This scholarship is for any junior or senior College of Liberal Arts major with financial need and a gpa of 2.5.
Anna Otten Fund
College of Engineering and Computer Science, CECS, engineering, computer science
This fund supports superior students who show skill, dedication and leadership toward a career in engineering or computer science.
Successful applicants must be admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science and have completed two years of their degree program. A gpa of 3.0 or above, along with continued demonstrated leadership qualities are a must. Award will be for two years, as long as recipient continues to meet the requirements. Maximum award amount will be up to the amount of tuition and fees.
Anna Otten Fund Jul 25 2016 2:09PM
College of Engineering and Computer Science, CECS, engineering, computer science
This fund supports superior students who show skill, dedication and leadership toward a career in engineering or computer science.
Successful applicants must be admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science and have completed two years of their degree program. A gpa of 3.0 or above, along with continued demonstrated leadership qualities are a must. Award will be for two years, as long as recipient continues to meet the requirements. Award amount will cover tuition and fees.
Anne B. Shearer-Steele Scholarship
need, financial need, University College
48587, 48578
This fund supports students with documented financial need and who have been admitted to their college. Students must also have successfully completed developmental education course work.
Anthony Cacioppo Ph.D. Memorial Scholarship
Industrial, Human, Factors, Engineering
This scholarship is for full-time continuing Industrial and Human Factors Engineering students. This scholarship can be renewed providing the applicant reapplys and continues to meet the requirements. Award amount will vary.
Aron and Martha Moss Second Chance Scholarship
african american, need, first generation
48356, 48587
This scholarship will provide funding for students age twenty-five or older. First preference wil be given to students: of African American descent, who have financial need, who are first generation and those who are returning to complete thier undergraduate degree.
Art Department Scholarship
48381, 48382, 48383
This scholarship is for Art majors.
Arthur L. Hill Bolinga Center Scholarship
The Arthur L. Hill Bolinga Scholarship will be awarded to continuing students with a minimum gpa of 2.5 and demonstrated financial need. Recipients will have leadership abilities demonstrated through involvement in campus activities and community affairs.
Arthur Pickoff M.D. Pediatric Scholarship
Pediatrics, medical, medicine
This fund supports those medical students who have a strong committment to Pediatrics. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need.
Arts Gala-Art Scholarship
art, art history
48381, 48382, 48383
This scholarship is for Art/Art History majors. Please contact the Art/Art History Department for details on how to apply.
Arts Gala-Music Scholarship
48491, 48492, 48493, 48494
This scholarship is for Music majors. Please contact the Music Department for details on how to apply.
Arts Gala-Theatre Arts Scholarship
theatre, dance, motion pictures
This scholarship is for Theatre Arts majors. Please contact the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures for details on how to apply.
Asian Student Scholarship
This scholarship is for students of Asian descent who have a minimum gpa 2.5.
Augsburger/Estevez Scholarship
Theatre Arts, Dance, Motion Pictures
48360, 48416, 48418, 48488, 48551, 48552
This scholarship is for Theatre Arts majors. Please contact the department for information on how to apply for this scholarship.
B. Jean Denney Campus Recreation Student Employee Scholarship
This scholarship supports student employees that work in the Office of Campus Recreation. Preference will be given to student employees in adapted recreation and to those with demonstrated financial need.
B. Jean Denney Disability Services Student Employee Scholarship
This scholarship supports student employees in the Disabilty Services Department. Award amount will vary.
B. Laurel Elder Memorial Scholarship
Medical Student, BSOM, School of Medicine, Boonshoft School of Medicine
This scholarship will be awarded to a 4th year medical student that has completed requirements for the BSOM International Health Program. Recipients must be in good academic standing and be disadvantaged.
Baldwin & Whitney Insurance Agency Scholarship
full-time, continuing
This scholarship is for full-time continuing students.
BAM Endowed Scholarship
incoming, freshman, financial need
This scholarship is for incoming freshman, direct from High School, with financial need. This scholarship is renewable for a total of four years provided the student remains in good standing.
Barbara And Carl Denison Endowed Scholarship
need, financial need, supply chain, management information systems, MIS
48476, 48543
This scholarship supports continuing undergraduate students in the Management Information Systems or Supply Chain Management majors. Students must have a minimum gpa of 3.0. Preference will be given to students with financial need.
Barbara and Richard Bullock Scholarship
English, statistics, math, undergraduate, financial need, need
48435, 48480, 48542, 48587
This scholarship is for non-traditional students who are parenting while they obtain their degree. First preference is given to students majoring in English or Mathematics/Statistics.
Barbara Hicks Memorial Book Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus returning or transfer student who resides in Mercer county, has a 2.5 GPA and financial need.
Barbara Kirk Stickney Scholarship
Management, junior, senior
This scholarship is for junior or senior level Management majors who have demonstrated leadership in academic or extra curricular activities.
Beavercreek Rotary Scholarship
Rotary, Beavercreek Rotary, Beavercreek High School, incoming, freshman, first year, financial need
This scholarship is for incoming freshmen Beavercreek H.S. students with demonstrated financial need & a minimum high school GPA of 2.5. First preference is given to those who were Interact members while at Beavercreek High School. This scholarship is renewable for a total of four years providing that each year the student recipients complete the scholarship application, maintain a GPA of 2.5 at Wright State, and continue to demonstrate financial need eligibility. Award is $1,000 per year for four years provided funding is available.
Becker Electric Company Scholarship
Electrical, Engineering, Full-time
This scholarship is for full-time Electrical Engineering students.
Bernhardt - Praeger Scholarship
Education, counselor
This scholarship is for full-time College of Education and Human Services students with a minimum gpa of 3.0. Preferred students will be undergraduates with a commitment to serve in P-12 public schools, or graduate students who have a commitment to serve as an educator, leader or counselor.
Bernie and Marilyn Schroer Family
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who resides in Auglaize county and has maintained a 3.0 GPA in high school or at their current school.
Beta Phi Omega Dolansky Fund
Financial Need, high school
This scholarship supports incoming students with demonstrated financial need. Award amount will vary.
Beta Phi Omega Scholarship
Beta Phi Omega
This scholarship is for current members of Beta Phi Omega who have been members for at least one year or members of the Presidential Ambassadors. Award amount will vary.
Betty K. Hathaway Scholarship
Early Childhood Education
48419, 48565
This scholarship is for Early Childhood Education majors who have obtained a gpa of 3.5 and have completed 45 hours of course work at Wright State.
Betty Schmoll and Carol Dixon Scholarship for Leadership through Nursing Graduate
This fund supports graduate students majoring in Administration of Nursing and Health Care Systems. Recipients must be registered for at least 6 credit hours with a cumulative gpa of 3.0. Award amount will vary.
Betty Schmoll and Carol Dixon Scholarship for Leadership through Nursing Undergraduate
This fund supports full-time undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Nursing. Undergraduate recipients must be, at minimum, a junior with a cumulative gpa of 3.0. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 6 hrs. Award amount will vary.
Billy M. Bittinger Endowed Scholarship
English, financial need, need, language arts, ILA
48435, 48587
This scholarship supports English majors who have a concentration in Language Arts Education. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum gpa of 3.0. Award amount varies, but will be no less than $1,000.
Biochemistry Scholarship
This scholarship is for Biochemical majors.
Biological Sciences Scholarship
biological sciences
This scholarship is for Biological Sciences majors.
Biomedical Engineering Scholarship
biomedical engineering, biomedical
This scholarship is for Biomecial Engineering majors.
Birden/Jordan EG&G Mound Scholarship
Materials Science, financial need, need
48479, 48587
This scholarship is for Engineering students who have an interest in material science as it relates to engineering and computer science.
Bolinga Scholarship
This scholarship is for any Wright State student who is registered as an undergraduate student in the spring that they apply.
Bonnie Hupman Memorial Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for students who have been admitted into the Department of Accountancy.
Bonnie K. Mathies Book Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who has a 2.5 GPA and financial need.
Boonshoft Physicians Leadership Development Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students who participate in the Leadership Program in the Boonshoft School of Medicine.
Boonshoft Scholars Program
This scholarship is for Medical students.
Boonshoft School of Medicine Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students.
Boots to Books Veterans Support Fund
This scholarship is for veterans attending Wright State. Recipients must be degree seeking students who are veterans, with preference being given to those veterans who participated in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. Please contact the Office of Veteran Affairs for details on how to apply for this award.
Booz Allen Hamilton Scholarship
This fund provides current use scholarships for Wright State University undergraduate students pursuing any degree within the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS).
BQI Vendely Family Scholarship
Raj Soin College of Business, 3.0 GPA, 3.0, Belmont High School, Belmont, Financial Need, College Seniors, Seniors
48587, 48590, 48574
This scholarship will support Raj Soin College of Business students who have reached senior status with a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have financial need. Successful applicants must have demonstrated leadership qualities
Preference must be given to students from Belmont High School. If there are no Belmont High School applicants, awards can be made to students from select Dayton area high schools.
Bradley A. Mayer Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, RSCOB, transfer
48359, 48574
This scholarship supports working students, continuing or transfer Accountancy majors, with a minimum gpa of 2.5. Recipient must have enough hours to be classified as a sophomore at the time award is paid.
Brower Insurance Agency Scholarship
economics, finance, financial services, human resource, international business, management, management information systems, supply chain
This scholarship is for any Raj Soin College of Business majors (excludes accountancy) with a 3.0 or higher gpa.
Bruce E. and Leora K. Kline Scholarship
This fund supports Clinical Psychology students. Award amount will vary.
Brucker Scholarship for Marketing Enthusiasm
graduate, marketing
This scholarship is for graduate or undergraduate Marketing majors who have an ongoing enthusiasm for marketing and are dedicated to making marketing a career.
BSOM Class of 2003 Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students who have Community Service activities or dependent children.
BTAS Program Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is seeking a degree in the BTAS program.
Buckingham Advisors Scholarship
finance, financial services, need, financial need
48438, 48440
This scholarship is for students who are majoring in Finance or Financial Services and have obtained a 3.0 gpa.
Bud and Diane Baker Endowed Scholarship
management, international business, project management
48464, 48475, 48574
This scholarship is for Management/International Business students with preference for students concentrating in Project Management.
Business Alumni Scholarship
business, graduate, undergraduate, alumni
This scholarship is available for any graduate or undergraduate Business major with a minimum gpa of 3.0.
C.J. McLin, Jr. Student Leadership Development Scholarship
Montgomery County, Greene County, Clark County, Warren County, leadership, McLin, incoming, freshman, first year,
48354, 48355, 48356, 48357, 220760
Be a graduate of an accredited Ohio high school within the Wright State University metropolitan area with a 2.7 cumulative high school GPA. Metropolitan area includes Montgomery, Greene, Clark, and Warren counties. Recipients will be required to participate in the C.J. McLin Jr. Scholars organization. This organization is dedicated to representing diversity, serving as leaders among their communities, and focuses on giving back to the local community through participation in various service events.
Click here for more information.
Cameos of Caring Scholarship
This scholarship is for Nursing students who have obtained junior status with a 3.0 gpa.
Successful applicants must meet and exemplify the Cameos of Caring attributes of patient and family advocacy, exhibit clinical decision making skills appropriate to their academic level, be an example, encourage and motivate others, and understand the art and science of nursing.
Captain Kevin Maguire Memorial Scholarship
Air Force, ROTC, Air Force ROTC
This scholarship is for Wright State Air Force ROTC cadets. Please contact the Air Force ROTC office for details on how to apply.
This fund supports Lake Campus students with a concentration in Agriculture. Award amount is $1.000.
Cargill Chemistry Scholarship
chemistry, junior, senior
This scholarship is for junior or senior Chemistry majors who have obtained a minimum gpa of 2.7.
Carl and Karla Brun Endowed Scholarship
social work, social worker, masters, graduate, need, financial need
This scholarship is for Masters of Social Work majors who have financial need and have a minimum gpa 2.75 in their undergraduate class work. Successful recipients must have a "pay it forward" spirit.
Carl M. Becker Scholarship
History, Public History
This scholarship supports graduating seniors at Wright State who are entering the Master of Arts Program in History. Preference will be given to those students who have graduated with a 3.5 or above and to those who are enrolling in the Public History concentration.
Carol A Nathanson Memorial Scholarship
Acting, Art, Dance, Design Technology, Motion Pictures, Music, Music Education, Performing, Theatre
This scholarship fund supports students majoring in the School of Fine and Performing Arts who are graduates of Stivers School for the Arts. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and a minimum GPA of 2.5. Contact the School of Fine and Performing Arts for details on how to apply.
Carol H. Cline Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is for Theatre Arts majors. Please contact the Department of Theatre for details on how to apply.
Carol Trevino Film Production Fund
motion pictures
Ths scholarship fund will support junior or senior Motion Picture students. Amount varies. Please contact the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures for details on how to apply.
Carol Webster University College
need, financial need, non-traditional, University College
The Carol Webster Scholarship supports non-traditional University College students. Recipients must be enrolled in University College, have demonstrated financail need, 25 years old or older and have an average gpa of 2.5. Award amount will vary.
Cary Michael Jokela Memorial Scholarship
computer, engineering, incoming, freshman, first year
This scholarship is for incoming Engineering and Computer Science students. This award is non-renewable. Amount of award will vary.
Catherine Maurer Haverstock Scholarship
Teacher, Teaching, Teacher Leader
This scholarship supports Teacher Education and Teacher Education majors. Award amount will vary.
Catherine S. Hardman Nurse Practioner Scholarship
This is a renewable scholarship for up to three years. It is only to be awarded when the current recipient graduates, falls below a 3.0 or has been awarded this for the three year maximum.
This scholarship supports students enrolled in one of the Nurse Practioner Programs who demonstrates true excellence in both thier academic achievements and commitment to the profession of nursing.
Celia Christian Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for 3rd or 4th year Medical students interested in Pediatrics.
Center for Teaching and Learning Student Employee Fund
This scholarship is for CTL student workers who have a minimum gpa of 2.0. Preference will be given to those students who plan to pursue a career compatible with instructional technology.
Changing Lives Scholarship
This fund was established to support Wright State University students.
Charles & Lois Fortson Family Scholarship
This scholarship is for African-American Medical students who are pursuing a career in surgery.
Charles A. Gockel Memorial Scholarship
junior, senior, accountancy, Accounting, RSCOB, College of Business
48359, 48574
This scholarship supports continuing or transfer, junior or senior accountancy majors, in the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must have a 3.0 gpa. One award of $2,000 will be made each year.
Charles Hartmann Honorary Scholarship
management, human resources, business
48453, 48475
This scholarship is for students who are majoring in a Management-related field.
Charles R. Spinney Music Composition
music, music composition and theory, theory
First preference for this scholarship goes to students who are pursuing an interest in music composition and theory. If there are no applicants with this preference, this award can be made to any Music major recommended by the Department of Music Faculty. Please contact the School of Music for details on how to apply. Minimum GPA requirement is 2.5.
Charles W. Ryan Research Scholarship
M.Ed, education, masters, grad, grauate
This scholarship is for students enrolled in the College of Education and Human Services' M.Ed, or master's program with a research project or thesis requirement.
Charlotte M. Harris Dean's Advancement Council Scholarship
education, Teacher Education
This scholarship is for College of Education and Human Services majors who have shown leadership qualities or community service. Award amount will vary.
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp STEPP Scholarship
Wright STEPP
This scholarship is for female students who have completed the Wright STEPP Program.
Chemistry Scholarship
This scholarship is for Chemistry majors.
Chingfa Jang Memorial Scholarship Fund
Need, engineering, computer, financial need, first generation
48587, 48566
This scholarship supports students with financial need in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Successful applicants will have obtained a gpa of 3.0. First preference will be given to first generation students. One award of $2,000 will made annually as funds are available.
STEMM, Choose Ohio First, Ohio resident, COF, cof, first year, freshman, incoming
High school seniors and other students who have never attended college: Eligibility criteria- Ohio residents who are admitted to Wright State University and pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or Medicine (STEMM); 3.0 high school GPA or above; successfully complete the Ohio college-preparatory curriculum; and minimum Math ACT score of 27 or Math SAT score of 620 (prior to March 2016) or 640 (March 2016 and after).
Choose Ohio First (COF) Scholarship for Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Students
graduate, graduate nursing, primary care, COF, Choose Ohio First, Ohio Resident, nursing, graduate nurse, nurse,
48568, 48589, 48590
This Choose Ohio First Scholarship is funded by the Ohio Board of Regents as funds are available. Six Primary Care Nurse Practitioner students will be selected to receive this award of $10,000 each. Eligibility requirements are: Must be an Ohio Resident; hold a baccalaureate degree in nursing; be either first generation college student, come from a disadvantaged background or a culturally underrepresented group in health care professions; must maintain a good academic standing with at least a 3.0 graduate GPA; must have earned at least 9 graduate nursing credit hours; demonstrate progression toward graduate degree; and submit a FAFSA form.
Clinical experiences must focus in family or primary care pediatric health in Ohio. Post-graduation mandatory requirement: The Scholarship recipient must commit to practice in a primary care setting in Ohio for no less than 3 years and must accept Medicaid patients while in practice. Preference will be given to those attending full-time but part-time students will be considered.
Christine E. Schwartzkopf Scholarship
Nursing, need, financial need
This scholarship supports junior and senior Nursing students from Greene County High Schools. Successful applicants must have demonstrated financial need. Award amount is $1,000 as funds are available. This is a one time award.
Clarice R. Austin Memorial Scholarship
Medicine, Medical, financial need
48587, 48576
This scholarship supports medical students with demonstrated financial need.
Clark E. Beck Endowed Scholarship
Wright STEPP
This scholarship is for students who have completed the Wright STEPP Program.
Clark Schaefer Hackett Scholarship
Accountancy, Accounting
This scholarship supports Accountancy majors. Minimum award amount $1000.
Class of 2005 Endowed Scholarship for International Medicine.
This fund supports Medical students who want to engage in medical activities related to international medical and global health.
Claude and Helen Ramsey Scholarship
business, Clark County, Catholic Central High School, incoming, first year, freshman, continuing
This scholarship has a first preference for Catholic Central High School graduates who plan to major in any Business field.
Cleveland Alumni Network Scholarship
Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Alumni, Alumnus
This scholarship will support undergraduate and graduate students from Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage or Summit Counties. Students must have a minimum gpa of 2.7. and be registered for at minimum 6 credit hours for undergraduates or 3 credit hours for graduate students. Preference will be given to those who have earned a minimum credit of 45 credit hours and who are an alumnus or a relative of a Wright State University graduate.
College of Nursing and Health Alumni Society Scholarship
Nursing, need, financial need
This scholarship supports students that have been admitted a Nursing major. Preference will be given to those students who have demonstrated financial need.
College of Science and Math Advancement Council Scholarship
College of Science and Math, science, math
This fund will support any College of Science and Math student. Criteria for this scholarship will be established each year by the dean. Contact the dean's office for details on how to apply.
Collegiate Spirit Scholarship
Marketing, sophmore, junior, senior, leadership, undergraduate
48477, 48574
This scholarship is for undergraduate Marketing majors that have at least two semesters remaining to graduation with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. students must have completed at least 6hrs of Marketing classes in addition to MKT 2500. Students need to demonstrate outstanding accomplishment in the areas of scholarship and leadership.
Communication Scholarship
communication, communications
48399, 48400
This scholarship is for Communication majors.
Honors, incoming, first year, freshman, new
The Honors Competitive Scholarships are for incoming students who will be participating in the Wright State Honors Program. These scholarships require the recipients to graduate as a University Honors Scholar. To be eligible for these scholarships, incoming students must have been accepted into the Honors Program, have at least a 3.8 high school GPA, submit a letter of recommendation, and submit an essay. The Honors Competitive Scholarship awards up to $3,000 a year and is renewable for up to 4 years.
Honors, incoming, first year, freshman, new
These scholarships are for incoming students who will be participating in the Wright State University Honors Program. Click here for information on the Honors Program requirements for graduation as a University Honors Scholar.
Eligibility criteria for the Trustees Scholarship -
Eligibility criteria for the Competitive Honors Scholarship -
Two students will be selected for the Trustees Scholarship in the value of in-state tuition, room*/board** (*Must reside on campus to receive room and board benefits. **The board rate is less than or equal to the value of the residential default meal plan.) Applicants not selected for the Trustees Scholarship will be considered for one of the Competitive Honors Scholarships. Award amounts vary, maximum award amount is $3000. These awards are for students attending the Dayton Campus.
An online recommendation from an academic teacher or counselor will be required. Please contact your intended reference prior to listing them on your application.
Computer Engineering Scholarship
computer, computer engineering
This scholarship is for Computer Engineering majors.
Computer Science Endowed Scholarship
Computer Science
The fund supports Computer Science majors.
Computer Science Scholarship
computer science
This scholarship is for Computer Science majors.
Considine Scholars
College of Science and Math
This fund will support applied experiences for undergraduate students in the College of Science and Mathematics who are in good academic standing. Successful applicants will have obtained, at minimum, sophomore status at the time of the award. Award is renewable dependent on eligibility and availability of funds.
Continuing Student Honors Scholarship
The Continuing Student Honors Scholarship is intended for current Honors students who did not receive the Honors Competitive Scholarship or the Oma K Sells Honors Scholarship and who have little other scholarship support. This is a one-year scholarship for active Honors students who have completed some of their Honors courses already and are in good standing with the Honors Program. Applicants must submit an essay and letter of recommendation. Students are expected to be enrolled in Honors courses for the academic year in which their scholarship is active.
Cooper, V.H. Family Scholarship
Agriculture, Business related
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who is a dependent of a Cooper Farms or employee or a student who graduate from a Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, or Van Wert county high school, attained a 3.0 GPA, and is majoring in Agriculture or Business.
Cornelius A. Martin Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Upward Bound, need, financial need, Dayton Public Schools
This scholarship supports undergraduate students with financial need who graduated from Dayton Public Schools with a minimum high school 2.5 gpa or have a minimum 2.5 gpa at Wright State. Preference is given to first generation college students and/or students who have participated in and have completed documentation from an Upward Bound Program. Award amount varies. The scholarship was established by Cornelius A. Martin, a former Wright State University Foundation board member, to provide at-risk students a gateway to college access and success. Mr. Martin was a prominent local businessman who formed the Martin Automotive Group in 1985 which currently manages over 12 dealerships in multiple states.
Craigie & Britt Endowed Scholarship
Communication, junior, need, financial need, mass communication
48478, 48587
This scholarship is for Mass Communication majors who have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have reached junior status. First preference will be given to those student with demonstrated financial need.
Criminal Justice Scholarship
criminal justice
This scholarship is for Criminal Justice majors.
Crown Scholarship (Direct from HS)
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is a direct from high school graduate, ranked in the upper 50% of their class, and is majoring in Engineering or Business.
Crown Scholarship (New Bremen)
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is a direct from high school graduate of New Bremen, ranks in the upper 50% of their class, and is majoring in Business or Engineering.
Cruikshank Family Medical Scholarship
forth year, medical, Obstetrics gynecology, OB/GYN
This scholarship is for 4th year Medical students pursuing a specialty in OB/GYN.
CVS Family Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
Nursing, Nursing
This scholarship supports Family Nurse Pratitioner majors in the College of Nursing in Health. Successful applicants must be attending full-time and be in good academic standing. Preference will be given to Veterans and to those who are bilingual.
Cynthia L. Shepard Legacy Scholarship
Alumni Legacy
This scholarship will support the WSU Alumni Associations' Legacy Scholarship Program.
Damon Bell Memorial Leadership Scholarship
black, African American, need, financial need
48356, 48587
This scholarship is for African American continuing students who have shown leadership qualities in campus activities. Recipients must have documented financial need and have a minimum gpa at Wright State of 2.7.
Dana C., Jr. and Elizabeth L. Goodrich Scholarship
marketing, Raj Soin College of Business, incoming, freshman
48477, 48574
The Dana C., Jr. and Elizabeth L. Goodrich Scholarship will support an incoming, first year Marketing student who has been admitted to the Raj Soin College of Business. Awards will be no less than $1,000.
Daniel J. Kaufman Memorial Scholarship
finance, financial services
48438, 48440, 48574
This scholarship is for full-time students majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business. Preference will be given to Finance or Financial Services majors.
Darrell Stanley Scholarship
LGBTQA, gender, queer, gay, transgender
This memorial scholarship will support undergraduate seniors who identify as LGBTQA. Successful applicants must be living an authentic life and be personally responsible for their education. Number and amount of awards will vary.
David & Marcia Gutridge Scholarship
business, junior, senior
This scholarship supports junior or senior students in the Soin College of Business with a cumulative minimum gpa of 3.25.
David and Angelia Hopkins Scholarship
This scholarship is for undergraduate students who; do not qualify for merit-based scholarships, have a gpa between 2.0 and 3.0 and are from a middle income family.
David and Suzzane Garrison Scholarship
Modern Languages, undergraduate, graduate
This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students who are taking courses in the Department of Modern Languages. Please contact the department for details on how to apply.
David Berry Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Education, education majors, human services majors
This scholarship was established by the Golden Key National Honor Society and Mrs. Berry, in memory of David Berry. This fund is for full-time College of Education and Human Services students.
David J. Karl Memorial Fund Award
This scholarship is for Chemistry majors.
David J. Lough Scholarship in Accountancy
Accounting, Accountancy, Junior Achievement
48359, 48587
The fund was established my Mr. Lough in 2015 to honor Dr. Dean Eiteman who taught in the Department of Accountancy for 19 years and was a mentor to Mr. Lough. Through this scholarship, it is Mr. Lough’s desire to support a student who has demonstrated financial need, educational accomplishments and ingenuity and real world experience in the field of accountancy much like Mr. Lough did during his time at Wright State.
David J. Lough Scholarship in Finance
Finance, Financial Services
48438, 48440, 48587
This scholarship is for Financial and Financial Services majors who have financial need and a minimum gpa of 3.0.
David James Scholarship
Financial Services
Recipients for the scholarship will be undergraduates admitted into the Raj Soin College of Business majoring in Financial Services. Award amount is @$2,500 as funds are available.
David Place, M.D. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for fourth-year Medical Students who have shown leadership qualities.
Dayton Association Orthopedic Nurses Scholarship
nursing, financial need, need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for Nursing students who are residents of the Miami Valley. Successful applicants must have demonstrated financial need.
Dayton Chamber Music Society Scholarship
music, chamber, classical
This scholarship is for Music majors that are interested in chamber or classical music. Please contact the School of Music for details on how to apply.
Dayton Early College Academy High School Scholarship for Business
DECA, Dayton Early College Academy, Business, Raj Soin College of Business
This scholarship supports Dayton Early College Academy High School graduates who have been directly admitted into the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must be first-generation college students, have obtained a 3.5 in high school and have a minimum ACT score of 28. This scholarship is renewal able provided applicant maintains a 3.5 gpa and attends full-time. Award amount varies.
Dean Charles Taylor Study Abroad Fund
Study Abroad
This fund provides support for College of Liberal students who plan to study abroad. Contact department for details on how to apply. Award amount varies.
Debra L. Downing Scholarship
need, financial need, social work
48535, 48587
This fund supports Social Work majors with demonstrated financail need. Recipients must demonstrate a passion for social work through volunteer or paid experiences. Number and amount of awards will vary. Contact Department of Social Work for details on how to apply.
Debra Schuster Tanger Scholarship
Boonshoft School of Medicine, medical students, medicine, medical
This scholarship supports third and fourth year medical students, with preference going to those students who have financial need. Amount of awards will vary depending on the amount available.
Dee Baxter Memorial Scholarship
blind, legally blind, need, financial need, disability
This scholarship supports full-time, undergraduate students with financial need who are legally blind. A gpa of 2.5 at Wright State is required for this fund. Each award is $500.
Deloitte & Touche Accounting Excellence Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
This scholarship is for full-time outstanding Accountancy majors who expressed an interest in a career in public accounting.
Delores and Jerry Etter Scholarship
This scholarhip supports incoming and transfer students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the College of Science and Mathematics who are dependents of active or retired military. Must provide proof of dependancy. This award is renewable for a total of four years.
Delores and Jerry Etter Scholarship Jun 24 2021 10:51AM
This scholarhip supports incoming and transfer students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the College of Science and Mathematics who are dependents of active or retired military. Must provide proof of dependancy. This award is renewable for a total of four years.
Dennis C. Harden Memorial Athletic Scholarship
basketball, male, men
This scholarship is for Raider athletes who play on the men's basketball team.
Denny & Sharon Phillips Scholarship
business, Fairborn, Greene County
This scholarship is for Greene County High School graduates who have been admitted to the Raj Soin College of Business.
Design/Technology Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Design, Design Technology
This scholarship will support full-time, undergraduate, continuing Theatre/Design Technology majors with a minimum cumulative gpa of 3.0. Please contact the department for details on how to apply.
Dewitt & Henra McGee Scholarship
This scholarship is for underrepresented Medical students.
Do ut des. Endowed Scholarship
Nursing, undergraduate, financial need, need, junior, full-time
48497, 48587
"I give in order that you may give"
This scholarship will support full-time, undergraduate, Nursing students that have reached junior status. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.5 and have demonstrated financial need. Award amount varies.
Domino Pizza Scholarship
Greene County, Montgomery County
This scholarship is for any Wright State student from Montgomery or Greene Counties. Successful applicants must be enrolled for a minimum of 9 credit hours and maintain a gpa of 2.5 and above.
Don and Judy Pabst Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students in Accountancy.
Don and Lois Bigler Scholarship
Performing Arts, Theatre, Music, Art
This scholarship will support students in the fine and performing arts. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and a minimum gpa of a 3.0. Award amount will vary.
Don Krischak Memorial
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student with financial needs.
Donald K. and Karine L. David Scholarship
theatre, design, theatre technology, theatre design, stage management, junior, senior, liberal arts, COLA,
This scholarship is for junior or senior Design/Technology students in the Theatre Arts Department. Please contact the Department of Theatre for details on how to apply.
Donald L. Ranville Scholarship
This scholarship is for second-year Medical students.
Dorothy and Lester Brandewie Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who resides in Allen, Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, Shelby, or Van Wert county, has a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and is majoring in a music related field or demonstrates an interest in music.
Dorothy Ward Hayes Scholarship
Student Union, nurse, nursing
This scholarship supports Student Union employees who are in good academic standing. Preference will be given to nursing majors.
Doug & Mary Stout Scholarship
Wayne High School, Northeastern High School
This scholarship is for students from Wayne (Huber Heights) or Northeastern (Springfield) High Schools who are in good standing at Wright State.
Douglas and Kelle Fecher Family Scholarship
nursing, financial need, foster care, need,
48497, 48587
This scholarship will be awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in nursing who have financial need and a passion for nursing. Preference will be given to students who have been foster children. Award amount will vary.
Douglas Merk Muse Machine Scholarship
music, theatre, theatre arts, MUSE, muse machine, financial need, need based, incoming freshman, freshman
This scholarship is for former Muse Machine participants who are majoring in Music, Art, Art History or Theatre Arts. Incoming freshman should have a high school gpa minimum of 2.75, or a Wright State gpa minimum of 2.5. Preference is given to applicants with demonstrated financial need.
Dr. Brenda Roman Outstanding Senior Medical Student Award in Psychiatry
medical students, fourth year student, psychiatry residency, psychiatry
This scholarship is for students in good academic standing who are fourth-year students selected to a psychiatry residence, and demonstrate excellence in psychiatry, clinically and in the area of curiosity for learning and research. Contact the Psychiatry Department for details on how to apply.
Dr. David and Mrs. Amy Carter Endowed Scholarship
Boonshoft School of Medicine, Medicine, medical
48587, 48576
This scholarship supports medical students who are in the top 25% of their class and have financial need. Preference will be given to those students who are interested in emergency medicine.
Dr. F. Richard Swann Scholarship
history, undergraduate, financial need, need based,
This scholarship is for undergraduate History majors who would like to submit an essay on some topic of history, with preference given to essays on a facet of British history or the British Empire. Preference is given to students with financial need. Please contact the History department for details on how to apply.
Dr. Gary Charles Barlow Memorial Scholarship Fund
Art, Art/History
48381, 48382, 48383
This Fund was established to assist undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts seeking Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees with the intent to become Art teachers. Award amount will vary.
Dr. Gladys T. Turner Finney Endowed Social Work Scholarship
Social Work, Master of Social Work
This fund assists graduate social work students seeking degrees in the Masters of Social Work Program. Award amount will vary. Successful applicants must demonstrate an interest in community service and a desire to make a difference.
Contact Department of Social Work for details on how to apply.
Dr. James Funkhouser Memorial Scholarship
Clinical Laboratory, CLS
48397, 48587
This scholarship supports studnets that have been accepted into the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need.
Dr. Jean and Phyllis Nussey Dubois Scholarship
chemistry, need, financial need, full time
This scholarship is for Chemistry majors with demonstrated financial need and a minimum gpa of 3.0. Recipients must be full-time students.
Dr. John D. and Mrs. Grethcen H. Bullock Endowed Public Health/Medicine Award
48482, 48519
This fund will support the brightest MD/MPH or MPH students upon graduation. One award of $1,000 will be made annually.
Dr. Joseph Coleman Scholarship
need, financial need, Supply Chain, Information Systems, ISOM, Raj Soin College of Business
48457, 48543, 48587
This scholarship supports juniors and seniors in either the Information Systems or Supply Chain Management majors. Recipients must have obtained a 3.0 gpa. Preference will be given to students to with financial need. Multiple awards may be made, with the minimum being $500.
Dr. Kenneth H. and Kitty Hunt Ziegenbusch Nursing Scholarship
Awarded to a direct from high school student who resides in Auglaize or Mercer County, has a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, is majoring in Nursing, and has demonstrated financial need.
Dr. Mark E. Clasen Scholarship
Medicine, Medical, Boonshoft School of Medicine
This scholarship will support medical students who are underrepresented in medicine or are disadvantaged or have financial need.
Recipients must be considering Primary Care as a specialty and reflect volunteer and leadership qualities.
Award amount will vary.
Dr. Mary & Richard Pryor Scholarship
This scholarship is for female Medical students who are interested in Primary Care.
Dr. Merrill Andrews Memorial Scholarship
physics, sophomore, calculus
This scholarship is for physics majors who have completed year one of the calculus based physics course. Recipients must be, at minimum, be a sophomore with a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Dr. Paul Harris Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for a minority Medical student interested in primary medicine.
Dr. Peter Bacon Scholarship
finance, financial services
48438, 48440
This scholarship is for a non-traditional finance or financial services student with a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Dr. Ronald G. Helms NCSS Scholarship
teacher education, social studies
This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Secondary Integrated Social Studies program with a minimum gpa of 3.4.
Dr. Ryan Lee Bayko Memorial Scholarship
Medicine, Medical
Recipients must be medical students who:
- Are pursuing the practice of Family Medicine,
- Are in good academic standing and
- Are disadvantaged or have need, as determined by the Boonshoft School of Medicine’s Office of Financial Aid or Admissions
Dr. Sonia Brecha Memorial Scholarship
accounting, accountancy
This scholarship is for Accounting majors with preference being given to non-traditional students.
Dr. Thales and Nancy Pavlatos Scholarship
BSOM, Boonshoft School of Medicine, medical, medicine
This funds supports medical students who are from Clark County, Ohio.
Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and reflect volunteer and leadership qualities as determined through their scholarship application.
Award amount will vary.
Duke Ellis Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship supports incoming Clinical Psychology students. Award amount will vary.
Medicine, School of Medicine, Medical
The Dundon Family Scholarship was established to support scholarships for students in the Boonshoft School of Medicine who are in their third or fourth year of medical school, and have children. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need. Award amount will vary.
Duval Family Endowed Scholarship CECS
Engineering, Computer, incoming, freshman, first year, financial need
48566, 48587
This scholarship supports incoming College of Engineering and Computer Science students. Recipients must have a high school gpa of 2.5, have demonstrated financial need and be majoring in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. This award is renewable until the recipient graduates as long as the student continues to demonstrate financial need, maintain a gpa of 2.5 and be majoring in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Award amount varies.
Duval Family Endowed Scholarship RSCOB
business, incoming, freshman, first year
This scholarship supports incoming Raj Soin College of Business students. Recipients must have a high school gpa of 2.5, have demonstrated financial need and be majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business. This award is renewable until the recipient graduates as long as the student continues to demonstrate financial need, maintain a gpa of 2.5 and be majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business. Award amount varies.
Duval Family Scholarship - COLA
freshman, Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts, need, financial need
48587, 48567
This scholarship supports incoming College of Liberal Arts students. Recipients must have a high school gpa of 2.5, have demonstrated financial need and be majoring in the College of Liberal Arts. This award is renewable until the recipient graduates as long as the student continues to demonstrate financial need, maintain a gpa of 2.5 and be majoring in the College of Liberal Arts. Award amount varies.
Dwight Kemp Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for continuing students in any major who have obtained a minimum gpa of 3.5.
Dwight Smith-Daniels Memorial Scholarship
Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Logistics, graduate, ISOM
48474, 48543
This scholarship supports undergraduate students majoring in Supply Chain Management and/or graduate students in the Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Undergraduate students must be at least at junior status and have a minimum gpa of 2.8. Number and amount of awards will vary; however no award will be less than $1,000.
E. Ann Peters Nursing Scholarship
Nursing, Nurse
This scholarship supports students who are attending Wright State University and are majoring in Nursing. Recipients must be taking a minium of 6 credit hours, have demonstrated financial need and have obtained a gpa of 3.0. Preference will be given to those who are a R.N., those who graduated from a Clark County High Schooll and those who are parenting. Award amount will vary.
Earth & Environmental Sciences Scholarship
earth, environmental sciences
This scholarship is for EES majors.
Eastman Kodak Endowed Schol-CECS
engineering and computer science, engineering, first year, freshman, incoming
This scholarship is for incoming College of Engineering and Computer Science students who have obtained a 3.0 gpa in high school. This scholarship is renewable based on the student keeping a 3.2 gpa at Wright State.
Eastman Kodak Endowed Schol-RSCOB
full-time, continuing, business
This scholarship is for full-time continuing students in any Business major.
Economics Scholarship
This scholarship is for Economics majors.
Edgar A. Rutter Scholarship for Mathematics and Statistics
Math, Mathematics, Stats, Statistics
48480, 48542
This scholarship supports juniors and seniors who are majoring in mathematics and/or statistics. Award amount will vary.
Education & Human Services Scholarship
education, teacher, teaching
This scholarship is for College of Education and Human Services students.
Education & Human Services Scholarship Additional Funds
education, teacher, teaching
This scholarship is for College of Education and Human Services students.
Education Abroad Scholarships
study abroad, international education
This scholarship supports students in the Study Abroad program.
Edward Austin Beavercreek 2000 Scholarship
Beavercreek High School, need, financial need
This scholarship is for continuing undergraduate students from Beavercreek High School with financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Elaine Davis Scholarship Fund
art, art history, financial need, need
48381, 48382, 48383, 48587
This scholarship supports students in the Department of Art and Art History. Successful applicants must have a minimum cumulative gpa of 2.75. Preference will be given to non-traditional students and to those students with demonstrated financial need. Award amount is $1,000 as funds are available. Contact the Department of Art and Art History for details on how to apply.
Nursing, Nurse
This scholarship supports Nursing majors with demonstrated financial need. Recipinets must have a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Award amount will vary.
Electrical Engineering Scholarship
electrical, electrical engineering, engineering
This scholarship is for Electrical Engineering students.
Elementary Education Scholarship
elementary education
This scholarship is for Elementary Education majors with a minimum 3.0 cum gpa.
Elenore A. Koch International Award
study abroad, graduate, undergraduate
This scholarship supports graduate or undergraduate students participating in the Study Abroad Program or the Ambassador Program. Recipients must be registered for a minimum of 6 credit hours and be in good academic standing.
Elizabeth Gray Endowed Scholarship
School of Medicine, Medical Student, Medicine
The scholarship fund was supported to support Boonshoft School of Medicine students. Successful applicants must have need, be in good academic standing and demonstrate volunteer and leadership qualities.
Elkins International and Comparative Politics Scholarship
International and Comparative Politics
Successful applicants will be graduates enrolled or applicants in the International and Comparative Politics program. Minimum award amount is $500. Contact the Department for details on how to apply.
Preference will be given to those applicant with financial need and to those who have a gpa of 3.5 and above.
Ellen Murray Scholarship
This scholarship is for continuing Sociology majors who have a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Ellen Scherer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for College of Education and Human Services education majors who are from Vandalia Butler High School.
Ellen Wiedemann Berger Memorial Scholarship
social work, social worker, senior
This scholarship is for senior Social Work majors who exhibit the qualities that Ellen possessed; kindness, cheerfulness and unselfish caring for others.
Ellery Lois Hill and Judith Lynne Hill Dodson Endowed Scholarship
English, non-tradtional, financial need, need, poetry, creative writing, writing, professional writing, nontraditional
This scholarship supports undergraduate English majors who have a declared concentration in professional writing or creative writing. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.2 or better in their major and a cumulative gpa of 3.0, have demonstrated financial need, with preference being given to nontraditional students, and at least one term left before graduation.
ELM Art Scholarship
studio art, art, liberal arts, COLA
This scholarship is for female Studio Art majors, who have a financial need. Please contact the Department of Art/Art History for details on how to apply.
Elta Mae Biles Scholarship
This scholarship is for nursing students, with preference given to those students who have demonstrated financial need. Award amount varies.
Emerging Marketing Leaders Scholarship
This scholarship is for Marketing majors with an emphasis in customer insight who have obtained a 3.0 gpa. Award amount varies.
Emerson Climate Technologies Lake Scholarship
48561, 48562, 48566
This scholarship will support engineering bachelor degree program students at both the Dayton and Lake Campuses. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.75 and be in attendance full-time. Award amount is $2,500. Preference will be given to students from undrerrepresented groups, females, racial and ethnic minorities, veterans and students with disabilities.
Emerson Climate Technologies Scholarship
48561, 48562, 48566
This scholarship will support engineering bachelor degree program students at both the Dayton and Lake Campuses. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.75 and be in attendance full-time. Award amount is $2,500. Preference will be given to students from undrerrepresented groups, females, racial and ethnic minorities, veterans and students with disabilities.
Emil and Jean Kmetec Science and Music Scholarship
COSM, College of Science and Mathematics, Music
This Fund is being established to provide financial assistance to students in in the College of Science & Mathematics who share a love for music performance and demonstrate an increased proficiency in music development.
Engineering & Computer Science Scholarship
engineering, computer science
This scholarship is for College of Engineering and Computer Science students.
Engineers Without Borders Scholarship
Engineers Without Borders
This fund provides scholarships to students who are members of the Engineers Without Borders Club. Award amount will vary.
English Scholarship
This scholarship supports English majors who will have earned at least 90 hours by the term in which the award begins and who have obtained a 3.5 gpa. Students must submit a 4 to 7 page typed, double-spaced writing sample that has been submitted for grading in a college-level class with a newly written, one-page introduction which explains why this writing sample is an outstanding example of the student's writing. Consider what strengths the paper highlights, such as analytical skills, creative skills, evaluative skills, etc. Successful applications must include 2 letters of recommendation from English Department faculty.
Environmental Science Ph.D. Scholarship
environmental science
This scholarship supports Ph.D. Environmental Science students.
Eric P. Bigler Endowed Scholarship
campus rec, campus recreation, student union
This scholarship is for students who work in the Student Union, Event Services or in Campus Rec. Successful applicants must have a gpa of 2.5 and demonstrate drive and commitment and the ability to overcome adversities.
accountancy, accounting
This scholarship supports upper level students majoring in Accountancy. Award amount will vary.
Erik C. Banks Endowed Scholarship
Established in memory of Erik Banks, Professor of Philosophy at Wright State, this renewable scholarship supports students seeking a major or minor in Philosophy. Award amount will vary.
Ernst & Young Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy students who have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to a career in professional services.
Ervin B. Lacy II Memorial Scholarship
environmental health, African-American, black, African American
48356, 48436
This scholarship is for African American or female Environmental Sciences major.
Ervin J. Nutter Scholarship
mechanical engineering, freshman, incoming, first year
This 4 year renewable scholarship is for incoming freshman who have declared Mechanical Engineering as their major. Students must have a high school gpa between 2.8 and 3.8. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 gpa to renew.
Estilita Samalot Scholarship
Latino, Rehabilitation
48523, 220760
Supports students in Rehabilitation Services from "Raider Country" with preference being given to Latino students. Minimum award amount $1,000.
Fairborn Lions Scholarship
blind, legally blind, Disability Services
This scholarship is for egally blind Wright State undergraduate student who is in need of financial aid and has a minimum gpa of 2.5 or above.
Family Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
Nursing, graduate, nurse practitioner, family, 3.0 gpa, family nurse practitioner, financial need, need,
48497, 48568
This scholarship is for Nursing students in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program who have obtained a 3.0 gpa and have demonstrated financial need.
Faust Family Scholarship
Veteran, active duty, Business, Finance, Financial Services
48438, 48440
This scholarship supports students majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business who are veterans or in active military service. Preference will be given to applicants who are majoing in Finance or Financial Services.
Finance Club Scholarship
finance club
This scholarship is for Finance Club members. Recipients may be either full-time or part-time continuing students.
Finance Scholarship
This scholarship supports Finance majors.
First Financial Bank
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus direct from high school student who lives in Auglaize, Mercer, Paulding, or Van Wert county and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
First Generation Scholarship
first generation
This scholarship is for students who are the first members of their family that is going to college.
First National Bank New Bremen
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus direct from high school student who lives in Auglaize, Mercer, or Shelby county, and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
First Year Scholarship
incoming, first year students, Disability Services
This scholarship is for first year students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services.
Fish Sisters WSU Alumni Associatiion Legacy Scholarship
Alumni, Alumni Legacy
The Fish Sisters Scholarship supports Wright State students that meet the current requirements for the Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship.
Flagel, Huber, Flagel & Co. Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB,
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for full or part-time accountancy majors that have expresed an interest in public accounting. Recipients must have a gpa of 3.0 and reach junior stauts when the award is paid out. No award will be less than $500.
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus direct from high school student who resides in Auglaize, Mercer, Darke, or Van Wert county.
FOE, Shanes Aerie #1292 Rockford Member
WOEF Scholarship awarded to non-traditional, current, returning or transfer student of Lake Campus who graduated from any high school and is a member or whose immediate family are members of the Rockford Eagles.
Fort Recovery Industries, Inc.
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus continuing, transfer, or nontraditional student who resides in Auglaize, Darke, or Merce county and is majoring in engineering, businees, or technical studies.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship BSOM
Boonshoft School of Medicine
This scholarship is for Boonshfot School of Medicine students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship CECS
College of Engineering and Computer Science
This scholarship is for College of Engineering and Computer Science students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship CEHS
College of Education and Human Services
This scholarship is for College of Education and Human Services students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship COLA
College of Liberal Arts
This scholarship is for College of Liberal Arts students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship COSM
College of Science and Mathematics
This scholarship is for College of Science and Mathematics students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship Graduate Studies
Graduate Students
This scholarship is for graduate students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship Lake Campus
Wright State Lake Campus
This scholarship is for Lake Campus students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship RSCOB
Raj Soin College of Business
This scholarship is for Raj Soin College of Business students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship SOPP
School of Professional Psychology
This scholarship is for SOPP students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship UC
University College
This scholarship is for University College students. Successful applicants must be in good academic standing.
Frank I. Salsburg Memorial Honors Scholarship
The Frank I. Salsburg Memorial Honors Scholarship is intended for a rising junior or senior Honors student with a record of academic excellence who is ready to work on their Departmental Honors project. Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative GPA, be in good academic standing, and be on track to graduate with University Honors or Departmental Honors. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation and an essay which gives particular attention to their planned Honors project. One award of varying amounts is given a year. Scholarship recipients are expected to be enrolled in Honors courses associated with their projects during the academic year in which their scholarship is active.
Fraternity Sorority Alumni Society Scholarship
Greek Life, Fraternity, Sorority
This scholarship supports students who are members in good standing of an Interfraternity Council, National PanHellenic Council or National Panhellenic Conference Organizaton.
Fred A. White Prize
disabilities, disabled
This scholarship supports full-time students with disabilities. Successful applicants must have a minintum gpa of 2.5 and have demonstrated leadership and participation in university activities.
Frederick A. White Endowed Scholarship
full-time, disability, disabled
This scholarship is for full-time continuing students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services. Recipients must have obtained a 3.4 gpa.
Frederick Marshall Finney Memorial Scholarship
Economics, Raj Soin College of Business, junior, senior
This scholarship fund supports Economics majors. Successful applicants must be either junior or senior status and have a minimum gpa of 2.5. Preference will be given to those who have an interest in applying Economic theories and thought to underserved populations.
Fritz J. Russ Memorial Scholarship
College of Engineering and Computer Science, need, financial need
48587, 48566
This scholarship will support College of Engineering and Computer Science students. Successful applicants will have graduated from the top 25% of thier high school class and have demonstrated financial need. Number and amount of awards will vary.
Front Street Golbal Artist Internship Fund
Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts
This Fund is being established to support a MA, BFA or BA student(s) in the College of Liberal Arts who is/are completing an internship at a local studio or gallery, including but not limited to community arts organizations, individual artists and artisans, and the like, located at Front Street Studios.
Funkhouser Self-Starter Award
Clinical Laboratory Science, Lab Science
This award is for Clinical Laboratory Program students who show self-initiative as a student and above average professional and technical abilities as determined by faculty.
Gail Joyce Endowed Scholarship Fund
Financial need, undergraduate, full time, art, art major, academic achievement
48587, 48381
This scholarship is intended for full time undergraduate students who are or intending to major in Art, have demonstrated financial need, and have demonstrated academic achievement.
This Fund is being established to provide scholarships to students in the School of Nursing at Wright State University. Award amount minimum is $1,000.
Gall Family Scholarship
Need, Financial Need, full-time
This scholarship supports full-time students with demonstrated financial need and a Wright State minimum gpa of 2.5. Preference will be given to those students who are from underrepresented populations and those who graduated from Dayton Early College Academy. This award is available for up to four years providing the student maintains the criteria listed above.
Ganapathy & Prabhala Scholarship Grad Students
international, graduate, grad, Industrial and Human Factors
This fund provides scholarships for Wright State University international graduate students pursuing a degree in Industrial and Human Factors Engineering.
Ganapathy & Prabhala Scholarship Undergraduate
need, financial need
This fund provides scholarships for Wright State University undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering. Award amount is $2,500.
Garrety Family Endowed Scholarship
Boonshoft School of Medicine, medical, medicine
This scholarship supports medical students who are interested in Family Medicine in a rural setting. Preference will be given to those students who are married and have children. The amount of the award will vary.
Gary M. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship provides financial assistance for continuing Anthropology majors.
Gasper Family Endowed Scholarship
Computer Science, Miami, Valley, incoming, freshman, first year
48404, 48566
This 4 year renewable scholarship is for incoming students who have obtained a 3.0 in high school and are studying computer science. First preference is given to students from the Miami Valley.
General Trustees
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student with financial needs.
Geography Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is for metorius students majoring in Georgraphy.
George Floyd Memorial Scholarship
financial need, demonstrated financial need
This scholarship supports at-risk students. Successful applicants will show involvement in the university community and be in good academic standing. Leadership in multi-cultural organizations and diversity-based initiatives at Wright State or in High School should be demonstrated in the required scholarship essay. Demonstrated financial need is required.
George W. Lucas Memorial Scholarship
graduate, undergraduate
This scholarship is awarded to a graduate or undergraduate students.
Gerald & Rita Kurdila Scholarship
music, Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts, COLA
This scholarship is for Liberal Arts students with a preference given to music majors.
Gillispie Family Scholarship
black, African American, financial need, business, need
48356, 48587, 48574
This scholarship is for African American undergraduate students with financial need majoring in a business field.
Giorgio McBeath Memorial Scholarship
need, African American, financial need, African-American, black
48356, 48587, 48566
This scholarship is for African American College of Engineering and Computer Science students who have financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Glenn & Bettie Graham Scholarship
leadership, College of Education and Human Services, graduate, leadership studies
This scholarship is for graduate students with a 3.0 majoring in the Educational Leadership program. Preference will be given to those students with financial need. Award amount varies.
Global Health Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students in their third or fourth year who are interested activitites relating to global health or medical research.
Goldenberg American Native, Hispanic and Asian Student Scholarship.
Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Native American Indian
48355, 48357, 220760
This scholarship supports full-time Native American, Asian or Hispanic students who have a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Goldenberg Bolinga Center Scholarship
junior, senior, financial need, need
This scholarship is for students who have shown leadership qualities and have reached their junior year. Successful applicants will have financial need and maintain a 2.5 gpa.
Goldenberg Endowed Scholarship for Art/Art History
art, art history, COLA, Liberal Arts
48381, 48382
This scholarship supports Art/Art History majors. Please contact the Department of Art/Art History for details on how to apply.
Goldenberg Hillel Organization Scholarship
This scholarship supports students involved in Hillel campus activities.
Goldenberg Scholarship for Music Students
This scholarship supports Music majors. Please contact the Department of Music for details on how to apply,
Goldenberg Scholarship for Musical Theatre & Dance
theatre, dance
48360, 48416, 48551, 48552
This scholarship supports Theatre Art majors. Please contact the Department of Theatre for details on how to apply.
Goldenberg Women's Center Scholarship
need, financial need, community service, leadership
This scholarship is for students who have shown leadership potential and community service.
Gordon B. Skinner Scholarship Fund
This scholarship will provide tuition assistance to senior Chemistry majors. One award will be made each year; the award amount may vary.
Grabowski Family Endowed Scholarship
veterans, financial need, need
This scholarship is for incoming or continuing students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services or who are veterans of the Armed Forces.
Grabowski Family Endowed Scholarship ODS
veterans, financial need, need
This scholarship is for incoming or continuing students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services or who are veterans of the Armed Forces.
Graduate Student Scholarship
grad studies, graduate student, grad, grad school, graduate school
This scholarship is for Graduate students in any major.
Grand Lake Health System Nursing Scholarship
Nursing, Lake Campus
48561, 48497
This scholarship supports Lake Campus Nursing students. Award amount is $1,000.
Greene County Medical Society Scholarship
This scholarship supports a Medical student who completes an elective with a Greene County physician.
Gregory Burdette Heuser Memorial Scholarship
religion, need, financial need
This scholarship is for Religion majors who have demonstrated financial need.
Grieshop/Wissman WSU Social Work Scholarship
Social Work
This scholarship supports senior Social Work majors who specialize in the areas of: gerontology, social justice or children’s services and members of the Social Work Club. Award amount varies.
Gupta Chemistry Scholarship
chemistry, financial need, full-time, need
48393, 48587, 48569
This scholarship supports Chemistry majors who are full-time students, who have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have financial need. Preference is given to students who will be juniors in the fall following the semester the award is made.
Gust and Elli Bambakidis Scholarship
This scholarship supports undergraduate physics majors. Successful applicants must have a minmum gpa of 2.75. Special consideration will be made for those who demonstrate exceptiononl involvement in Phsyics courses, laboratories and the Society of Physics Students.
Hajar Fazili Scholarship
Uyghur, International
This scholarship supports students of Uyghur ethnicity. Successful applicants be enrolled in one of the following colleges: College of Science and Mathematics, College of Engineering and Computer Science or the Raj Soin College of Business. First preference will be given to female international students who are of the Uyghur ethnicity. Second preference will be given to male international students who are of Uyghur ethnicity. A maximum of two awards will be made each year; amount of awards will vary.
Hamilton and Adoff Research Library Scholarship
black, African American, African-American
This scholarship is for student employees of the Hamilton/Adoff Resource Center.
Hamister Family Scholarship
Supply Chain Management, Raj Soin College of Business, ISOM
48543, 48574
This scholarship supports a junior Supply Chain Management major who has demonstrated the highest academic achievment in the program as determined by the Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Scholarship Committee. Number of awards may vary, but no award will be less than $1,000.
Hammond and Lark Family Fund
Need, Financial Need, Engineering
48587, 48566
This fund will support College of Engineering and Computer Science undergraduate student with documented financial need. Recipients must have a 2.5 gpa from high school or college. Award amount will vary.
Hannah Beachler and Carol Trevino Motion Pictures Scholarship
Motion Pictures
This fund supports sophomore, junior and senior Moton picture majors. Please contact the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures for details on how to apply.
Harley Flack Memorial Scholarship
Ohio resident
This scholarship was established to honor Dr. Flack, the fourth president of Wright State University, following his untimely death. It is open to junior or senior Ohio residents with a minimum 3.0 GPA who are involved with campus and/or community organizations and activities.
preference is given to students not receiving a renewable scholarship award from Wright State
Harold Edgerton EG&G Mound Memorial Scholarship
Optics, College of Engineering and Computer Science, need, financial need
This scholarship is for engineering students interested in Optics. Successful recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated financial need.
Harry Davis Memorial Scholarship
psychology, need, financial need, research, undergraduate
This scholarship is for senior Psychology majors who have demonstrated academic ability by achieving a minimum 3.0 gpa based on at least 75 (by quarter) credit hours of undergraduate studies. Recipients must also have demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who have been in conducting research during the year, working in the area of neuroscience and is active, or plans to be active in the Psi Chi or Psych Club.
Harry G. & Martha B. Ebeling Scholarship
theatre, acting, musical theatre
48360, 48551, 48552
This scholarship is for Department of Theatre Arts majors. Please contact the Department of Theatre for details on how to apply.
Harry P. Jeffrey Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to honor Harry Jeffrey who served the University Foundation Board of Directors for many years as secretary and then from 1981-83 as president; high achieving applicants are reviewed by their college scholarship committee; one nomination is made by each college to the University Scholarship Committee for selection.
Harry W. Moore Memorial Scholarship
need, engineering, computer, financial need
This scholarship is for continuing students with financial need and a gpa of 3.0 and above in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Health, Physical Education & Recreation Scholarship
athletic training, sports, sports science, sports management, athletic training, public health, multi-age education, kinesiology, health, education
48384, 48401, 48489, 48519, 48540, 48541
This scholarship is for Kinesiology and Health majors.
Heinz P. Murka Scholarship
disability, biomedical, human factors
48587, 48566
This scholarship is for a Biomedical and Human Factors majors who have a 2.5 gpa or higher and financial need. Preference is given to students with a physical disability.
Helen K. & David Bernie Scholarship
academics, medical, top in class
This scholarship is for Medical students who are top academic achievers.
Hellen Keller Scholarship
This fund supports the visually impaired.
HF and ME Hopf Fund
management, human resources, Kettering, human resource management
48453, 48475, 48574
This scholarship is for undergraduate Raj Soin College of Business students. Preference will be given to Kettering City School graduates. Successful applicants must be full-time students, have a minimum gpa of 2.7 and be employed while attending school.
Hightowers 3rd Generation Scholarship
communication, Raj Soin College of Business, Cincinnati State, full-time, Liberal Arts, transfer
48399, 48574
This scholarship supports students who have transferred from Cincinnati State, Middletown Campus. Preference will be given to African-American students and to those who are Communication majors, or majoring in any field in the Raj Soin College of Business.
Hinders Family Scholarship for Special Education Teachers
financial need, need, intervention specialist, graduate, College of Education & Human Services
48466, 48587, 48565
This scholarship is for graduate students with financial need who are majoring in any of the Intervention Specialists field.
Hispanic Student Scholarship
Hispanic, need, financial need
This scholarship is for students of Hispanic descent with a minimum gpa of 2.5. Preference is given to those applicants who have demonstrated financial need.
History Scholarship
This scholarship is for full-time History majors. Must be in good academic standing, maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.3
Hopkins Family Scholarship
48457, 48543
This Fund supports undergraduate students in the Raj Soin College of Business with a declared major in the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management department. Minimum award amount is $1,000.
Houston Family Scholarship
Accountancy, Accounting
The Houston Family Scholarship will support Accountancy majors in the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must be transfer students from a two-year state-funded community college. Preference will be given to non-traditonal aged female students.
Howard and Eleanor Bales Memorial Scholarship
full-time, science and math, continuing, undergraduate
This scholarship is for full-time continuing, undergraduate students in the College of Science and Mathematics.
Howard L. Magner Scholarship-Accountancy
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for meritorious full-time, undergraduate Accountancy majors.
HUB Scholarship
HORAN, need, financial need
This scholarship provides support to employees, or the spouse and dependents of employees of the HUB customer base. Successful applicants must be continuing full-time students with a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated financial need. Applicants must submit the name of the HUB customer and the relationship with that company. This is a one-time award of $1,500 provided funds are available.
Human Factors Scholarship
human factors
48452, 48455
This scholarship is for Human Factors Engineering majors.
Hungarian Ancestry Scholarship
This scholarship is for students with Hungarian ancestry.
Hunt Hague and Ann Elizabeth Hague-Shephard Scholarship
Music, Piano
This scholarship supports full-time students studying music in the School of Fine and Performing Arts. Award amount will vary.
IEEE Dayton Scholarship
electrical engineering
This scholarship is for Electrical Engineering majors.
Independent Scholars Network Scholarship
foster care, independent scholars, financial need, sophomore, need, emancipated
This scholarship for students who have been emancipated from Foster Care and are members of the Independent Scholars Network at Wright State. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need, have a minimum gpa of 2.00 and will reach sophomore status in the fall following application period.
Please contact the Office of Student Affairs for details on how to apply.
Indian Student Association Scholarship
Indian, UCIE, International
This fund will support international students who are members of the Indian Student Association. Recipients will have financial need and have been enrolled at Wright State for 2 terms.
Contact the University Center for International Education for details on how to apply.
Information Systems & Supply Chain Management Scholarship
MIS, Management Information Systems, Supply Chain
This scholarship is for Information Systems & Supply Chain Management majors.
INTENT Alex T. and Lily Wong Family Scholarship
medicine, medical, School of Medicine
48587, 48576
This scholarship will support medical students who are interested in pursuing careers in Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Global Health and or Occupational Medicine. Recipient must have demonstrated financial need. Award amount varies.
INTENT Beta Psi Chapter Scholarship
Teacher Education, Teacher, Teaching
This Fund was established to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the Department of Teacher Education who are preparing to start their student teaching experience.
INTENT Donna and Paul Bohannon Fund
Chemistry, Environmental Science
The Fund is being established to provide financial support to undergraduate students interested in improving the environment and pursuing careers in chemical industry or environmental sciences. Award is renewable providing qualifications are still met. Award amount will vary.
INTENT Dr. Faren Williams and Luke Maki Endowed Scholarship
medicine, Medical, Boonshoft School of Medicine, 4th year
48482, 48576
This scholarship supports 4th year medical students who have demonstrated passion for patient care. Preference will be given to those interested in a career in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Award amount varies.
INTENT Dr. Michael J. Muha Family Scholarship
medicine, medical, family medicine
48576, 48482
This Fund was established to support scholarships for Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine students interested in pursuing a career in primary care. Award amount will vary.
INTENT Healthcare and Homeland Security Scholarship
Medicine, Toxicology, Pharmacology
This Fund was established to support scholarships for students in the Boonshoft School of Medicine Homeland Securities and Pharmacology Toxicology graduate and certificate programs.
INTENT Kevin P. Duffy Memorial Scholarship
MIS, Management Information Systems
This fund was established to support students in the Raj Soin College of Business majoring in Management Information Systems at Wright State University.
INTENT Pay it Forward Scholarship
Business, Raj Soin College of Business
This Fund is being established to support students in the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University.Preference is given to those student with demonstrated financial need. Award amount will vary, but awards will be no more than the cost of undergraduate tuition.
INTENT Renal Physicians Rajnish Dhingra MD Scholarship
This fund support scholarships for internal medicine resident of the Boonshoft School of Medicine.
INTENT Rick Brittain and Bhairavi Patel-Brittain Family Scholarship
Boonshoft School of Medicine, medical, medicine
This fund support students in the Boonshoft School of Medicine. Award amount will vary.
INTENT Rod Miller Endowed Scholarship
Geography, 3.0, GPA 3.0, Earth Sciences, Financial Need
48590, 48424, 48443, 48444, 48587
This scholarship is made to support Geography and Environmental Science majors with demonstrated financial need.
INTENT Roger L. Houtz Memorial Scholarship
Materials Science
This Fund was established to assist undergraduate students with financial need in the Materials Science and Engineering Program.
INTENT Traynor Family Scholarship
Econ, Economics
This Fund is being established to support undergraduate students majoring in Economics in the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University. Recipients must have 30 credit hours at Wright State with a gpa between 2.5-3.5. Award amount will vary.
International Business Major Scholarship
business, international
This scholarship is for International Business majors.
International Student Scholarship
international, foreign
This scholarship supports international students.
Intervention Specialist Scholarship
intervention, special education
48421, 48429, 48466, 48512
This scholarship is for any Intervention Specialist majors.
Irene Romanowski Music Scholarship
music, piano
This scholarship is for Music majors with piano as the major instrument with a required 2.5 GPA. Please contact the School of Music for details on how to apply.
Isaac Weiss Memorial Scholarship
engineering, incoming student, incoming, freshman, first year
This 4 year renewable scholarship is for incoming freshman who obtained a 3.0 gpa in high school and plan to study engineering. To renew, recipient must maintain a 3.0 gpa at Wright State.
Jacob B & Vera O Paperman Memorial Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors with high academic achievment and leadership abilities. Financial need may be considered. Award amount varies.
Jacob H. Dorn History Scholarship
history, graduate student, need, financial need
48451, 48587
This scholarship is for graduate students in the History Department. Successful applicants must maintain a 3.5 gpa. Preference will be given to those with demonstrated financial need.
Jacob Paul Repasky Memorial Scholarship
48425, 48426
This fund will support female economics majors and minors. Successful applicants must be involved in campus related activities. Award amount will vary.
James & Sharon Brandeberry Endowed Scholarship
Engineering, Computer Science, incoming, freshman, first year
This 4 year renewable scholarship is for incoming students pursuing any degree in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Successful applicants must have a minimum 25 ACT score or a minimum 1140 SAT score. Students must maintain a minimum gpa at Wright State of 3.0. Award amount will vary depending on available funding.
James E. Walker Scholarship
Teacher, Teacher Education, Young Adult, Middle School
48363, 48484, 48485
This scholarship supports students enrolled in the Adolescent and Young Adult and Middle Childhood education programs. Successful applicants must be enrolled full-time and have demonstrated financial need. The minimum award amount is $1,000 with preference given to students who graduated from a Teacher Academy Program in the Dayton area high schools.
James Funkhouser M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine, medical student, need, financial need
48587, 48576
This scholarship, established to honor Dr. Funkhouser's contributions to the Boonshoft School of Medicine, supports 4th year medical students who are disadvantaged or have financial need.
James M. Hughes Humanities Award
Humanities, English, History, Religion, Philosophy, Classics, Modern Languages
48395, 48435, 48451, 48505, 48524, 48539
This fund supports Wright State undergraduate Humanities majors. Successful applicants must be at minimum, a sophomore when the award is paid and be registered full-time. Award amount varies.
James W. Blain Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for undergraduate Accountancy students.
Jane Rahn Scholarship
Education, Teachers
This Fund was established to support undergraduate students majoring in Teacher Education. Recipients will be full-time education majors from a Montgomery County High School. Award amount will vary.
Jane Swart Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for full-time Nursing students. Preference must be given to students entering their senior year.
Jayne (Lachey) and Tom Gmeiner Nursing Scholarship
Mercer County, Nurse, Nursing
This scholarship supports one Nursing student annually who has graduated from a Mercer County High School. Award amount will vary as funds are available.
Jayne Emoff Miller Scholarship
marketing, financial need, need, business
48477, 48587
This scholarship supports undergraduate Entrepreneurship majors or minors in the Raj Soin College of Business.
Jeanne Ballantine Scholarship
Sociology, Criminal
48376, 48409
This scholarship sppports Junior and Senior students in the Sociology Programs. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 2.5 and be involved in the community. Preference will be given to those Sociology studnets who have a either a minor or a dual major in Criminal Justice.
Jeffrey Vernooy Scholarship Fund
disabled, disability, disability services
This scholarship, established in memory of Jeffrey Vernooy, supports Wright State students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services and are in good academic standing.
Jennie and David Buckwalter Study Abroad Scholarship
liberal arts, study abroad,
This scholarship is for Liberal Arts students who are traveling abroad. Preference will be given to those who are traveling abroad for the first time and those traveling to a Spanish-speaking country. Contact the College of Liberal Arts Dean's office for more information: 775-2225.
Jennifer Seas Book
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student majoring in Business.
Jerome and Nancy Meyer
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who has maintained at least a 3.0 GPA.
Jerry Kirby Fifth Third Bank Scholarship
finance, banking, financial services, accounting, economics
48426, 48438, 48440
This scholarship is for continuing Business majors who are seeking a career in banking.
Jerry Sturm Memorial Scholarship
non-traditional, Education
This scholarship is for non-traditional College of Education and Human Services full-time or part-time students pursuing a degree to teach. Non-traditional students are defined as those who have a five year gap between high school and college.
This scholarship fund supports students at Wright State University. Award amount will vary.
Jessie L. Redmon Memorial Scholarship
Fine Arts, Performing Arts, financial need, need based, need
48587, 48567
This scholarship is for fine or performing arts majors with financial need and a 3.0 gpa.
Jessie Mihelick Nursing Scholarship
Nursing, financial need, need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for undregraduate Nursing students with financial need and a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Jim McCutcheon Guitar Scholarship
guitar, music, incoming, freshman,
This scholarship is for an incoming Guitar major with a high school GPA of 3.0. Please contact the School of Music for details on how to apply.
Jimmy Lamar Johnson Scholarship
Professional Psychology
This scholarship supports professional psychology students who are creative and effective in leadership qualities. Award amount will vary.
Jo Ann Self Memorial Scholarship
To be awarded each year to a continuing undergraduate or graduate marketing major who, in the opinion of the marketing faculty, has clearly demonstrated outstanding character and a giving concern for others. Recipient must be in good academic standing. Award amount will vary.
Joan and Ralph Campbell Nursing Scholarship
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for junior or senior Nursing students and graduate Nursing students with demonstrated financial need and a 3.0 gpa.
Joan and Tom Roddy Music Scholarship
Music, senior
Recipients of this scholarship will be music majors who are continuing students. First preference will be given to graduating seniors. Award amount will vary. For details on how to apply, contact the Department of Music.
Joan McCoy Memorial Art Scholarship
studio art, art, studio arts, CoLA, Liberal Arts
This scholarship is for Studio Art majors. Please contact the Art Department for details on how to apply.
Joelle Giacinti Scholarship
study abroad, travel abroad, french, France, modern languages
This scholarship is for students participating in the Modern Languages Ambassador Program to France. Recipients must have between a 2.0 and 3.0 gpa and have never traveled out of the country. Contact the Department of Modern Languages for details on how to apply.
John D. & Helen V. Rossmiller Scholarship
biology, biological sciences, clinical laboratory
This scholarship is for juniors majoring in any area of Biological Sciences who are participating in some form of independent scholarly activity (to be verified by faculty). Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.25.
John D. Gins Scholarship Fund
STEM, undergraduates
This scholarship supports non-traditional undergraduate students majoring in a STEM field. Amount of awards will vary.
John Pirelli Lodge Italian American Scholarship
Italian, Italy, Italian ancestry
This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students of Italian descent. Students must be in good standing with a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Joseph R. and Kelly M. Lehman Fund
financial need, Liberal Arts, need, need based, COLA,
48587, 48567
This scholarship is for any student in any major within the College of Liberal Arts who has a 3.0 gpa and financial need.
Joyce M. Rutherford-Donner Scholarship
Nursing, need, financial need
48587, 48563
This scholarship supports an Ohio resident, who is a single Nursing student with at least one dependent child, and does not live in campus housing. Recipients must have financial need and maintain a 3.0 gpa. This fund is renewable and will support one student each year, as funds are available.
JPMorgan Chase Grant Program
accountancy, economics, finance, management, marketing
This scholarship is for students majoring in a banking related field in the Raj Soin College of Business.
Julian Family Scholarship
This fund supports incoming students direct from high school that are intending to major in the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must have a minimum high school gpa of 3.0 and demonstrated financial need. This scholarship is renewable for four years providing the student continues to meet the eligibility requirements.
Justin R. and Nicholas S. Beason Memorial Scholarship
Greene County; Beason, alumnus, alumni
This scholarship is for full-time students. First preference to a son or daughter of a Wright State University alumnus living in Greene County. Second preference to a graduate of a Greene County High School.
Karen Lynn Wright Hayes Memorial Scholarship
English, ESL
48588, 48435
This fund supports non-traditional students in the Department of English. Award minimum is $500.
Kathleen & Tony Alexander Scholarship Endowment
Theatre Dance and Motion Pictures, Theatre, Dance, Motion Pictures, Theatre Studies, Theatre Arts, Motion Pictures, Design, Technology, Design/Technology, Dance, Acting
48360, 48416, 48418, 48488, 48551, 48552
This scholarship is to support students majoring in the Department of Theatre, Dance, and Motion Pictures.
Kathleen (Pfister) Dion Endowed Scholarship
english, junior,
This scholarship is for English majors with a passion for English who will reach junior status during the first year of the award. Must have a minimum gpa of 3.5 in English core classes. This award is renewable for one year dependent on the recipient maintaining a 3.5 gpa in English classes. Applicants will be nominated by English faculty members who are teaching core English classes.
Kathleen Hinders Study Abroad
College of Liberal Arts, study abroad, liberal arts,
This scholarship supports College of Liberal Arts students who plan to study abroad. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0. Please contact the College of Liberal Arts for details on how to apply.
Kathran Moy Chan Memorial Scholarship
medical, fourth year, excelled academically
This scholarship is for 4th year Medical students. The student must excelled academically and have demonstrated caring, compassion, and empathy toward patients. Also, demonstrated the ability to mentor and teach others. First preference is to a student who express interest in radiology.
Katz Chamber Orchestra & Piano Scholarship
music, piano, chamber orchestra, chamber, orchestra
48494, 48503
This scholarship is for Piano majors or any student that is a member of the Chamber Orchestra. Please contact the Music Department for details on how to apply,
KeyBank Scholarship
Dayton City Schools, Dayton, need, financial need, freshman, incoming, first year
This scholarship is for incoming students from the Dayton Public School System who have graduated with a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated financial need. Award amount is $2,000.
Kimm Kiser Scholarship
art, art history, liberal arts, COLA
48381, 48382, 48383
This scholarship is for Art & Art History majors. Please contact the Department of Art/Art History for details on how to apply.
Kittyhawk Association of Old Crows Scholarship-CECS
junior, senior, engineering, computer science, electrical
This scholarship supports full-time junior and senior electrical or computer engineering or computer science majors.
Kittyhawk Association of Old Crows Scholarship-COSM
junior, senior, mathematics, physics, chemistry
This scholarship supports full-time junior and senior chemistry, physics or mathematics majors.
Koffi Dossa Scholarship
STEM, International
This scholarship supports international students studying in STEM majors.
Korean Music Scholarship
music, korean
This scholarship is for students of Korean descent who are studying music. Please contact the Department of Music for details on how to apply.
Kyle Pitzer Capstone Prize Fund
This fund is awarded to an M.A. History major, who has completed their Capstone Project.
L. Daniel and Shirley A. Weber Scholarship
medical, medicine, Boonshoft
This scholarship supports Boonshoft School of Medicine students who have financial need. Award amount will vary.
Lake Campus Alumni Network Scholars
This scholarship is for Lake Campus students.
Lake Campus Housing Scholarship
2 awards for $500 awarded to any Lake Campus student who resides in housing both fall and spring semester. Stduents will be chosen based on academics.
Lakshmi and Ramana Grandhi Merit Scholarship
Mechanical Engineering
This scholarship supports incoming Mechanical Engineering students. The successful recipient will have the highest test scores and a high school GPA minimum of 3.7. Award amount is $1,000 and is not renewable.
Lambert-Navarrete Scholarship
Accounting, Accountancy
This Fund was established to support students majoring in Accountancy in the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University. Recipients must have 3.5 gpa and demonstrated financial need. Award minimum is $500.
LEAP Scholarship
LEAP, LEAP Program, financial need, need based, community service,
This scholarship is for students who show initiative in performing community service. Please contact the LEAP Program Office for details on how to apply.
Learning Disabilities Scholarship
Disability Services, learning disabilities, disability
This scholarship is for students with learning disabilities.
Leber Family Fund
study abroad, abroad, travel abroad, disability, disabled
This scholarship supports students who are planning to study abroad and are registered with the Office of Disability Services. Preference will be given to applicants who will have reached, at minimum, junior status at the time of the award.
Lee & Mary Menke Memorial Scholarship
disability services, disability, quadriplegic, paraplegic, undergraduate
This scholarship is for quadriplegic and paraplegic undergraduate students registered with the Office of Disability Services.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Ally (LGBTQA) Scholarship
This scholarship supports members of and those involved in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual (LGBTQA+) Community.
Leslie Sayre Scholarship
pre-med, financial need, need
This scholarship is for pre-med students who also have financial need.
Lester & Delilah Buechler Scholarship
Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering
48388, 48405, 48432, 48481
This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate Electrical, Biomedical, Mechanical or Computer Engineering majors. Recipients must be junior or senior level with a 3.3 or above gpa.
Levin Family Public Health Fund
Public Health
This Fund is being established to support Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine public health undergraduate or graduate students completing an academic project or internship with documented financial need.
Liberal Arts Leadership Scholarship
liberal arts, college of liberal arts, cola, leadership,
This scholarship supports degree seeking students in the College of Liberal Arts. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Recipients must have demonstrated leadership on campus or in the community.
Liberal Arts Scholarship
Liberal Arts, college of liberal arts, COLA
This scholarship is for Liberal Arts majors.
Liberal Arts Study Abroad Scholarship
liberal arts, study abroad
This scholarship is for Liberal Arts majors who plan to study abroad and who have attained a minimum gpa of 3.0. Contact the College of Liberal Arts Dean's office for more information; 775-2225.
Liberal Studies Scholarship
Liberal Studies
This scholarship is for Liberal Studies majors.
Lillie P. Howard Need-Based Grant
need, financial need, emergency
This scholarship is for students with financial need over and above federal aid eligibility. Please contact the Women's Center for details on how to apply.
Lincoln Electric Automation - Coldwater
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who graduated from an Auglaize, Darke, or Mercer county school, maintained a 2.8 GPA, and is majoring in engineering.
Lincoln Electric Automation, Ft. Loramie
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is the dependent of a Wayne Trail, A Lincoln Electric Company employee or who is a graduate of a Shelby county high school, is majoring in Business or Engineering, and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
Linda Pemberton Toomey Piano Performance Scholarship Fund
piano, organ, freshman, incoming, music
This fund supports full-time music majors. Recipients must be keyboard instrument performers with preference being given to incoming students. Must be in good academic standing. Please contact the Department of Music for details on how to apply.
Linda Sue Hayes Scholarship
Art, Art History, need, financial need
48381, 48382, 48383, 48587
This scholarship supports Art majors who have demonstrated financial need and minimum gpa of 2.5. Please contact the Depart of Art/Art History for details on how to apply.
Lois F. Renner Lucero Memorial Scholarship
Nursing, Financial Need, Need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for undergraduate Nursing students with demonstrated financial need.
Loren and Marjorie Hyatt Endowed Scholarship
need, financial need
This scholarship supports retention of current students who are at risk of discontinuing their education due to financial limitations. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need.
Lorna G. Dawes Achievement Award
Student Union, Campus Rec, Campus Recreation
This award provides scholarships to Student Union/Campus Recreation student employees. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0, commendable job performance and have been employed by the Student Union/Campus Recreation no later than the first day of class of spring semester of the current academic year.
Lucy Johnson Jones Scholarship
english, graduate, undergraduate
This scholarship is for senior English majors or graduate English majors who have documented financial need.
M. Patrick Daniels Scholarship
disability, disabilities, financial need, muscular dystrophy
This scholarship will be awarded to students that have financial need and are registered with the Office of Disability Services. Preference will be given to students from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and it surrounding communities. Award amount will vary.
Madigan-Emelko Nursing Scholarship
Financial Need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for Nursing majors who have financial need. Preference must be given to first generation students.
Management Department Scholarship
This scholarship is for Management/International Business students.
Management Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Advisory Board Scholarship
MIS, ISSCM, Supply Chain, Management Information, Raj Soin College of Business
48476, 48543, 48574
This scholarship will support undergraduate students majoring in Management Information Systems or Supply Chain Management. Recipients must have obtained junior status at the time of the award. Preference will be given to students participating in ISSCM club activities, internships or anything that contributes to the practice and application of ISSCM. Award amount will vary.
Marcia G. Muller Study Abroad Scholarship
study abroad, liberal arts, COLA
This scholarship is for College of Liberal Arts majors who plan to study abroad. Please contact the College of Liberal Arts Dean's office for more information: 775-2225.
Marcia L. Frank Music Scholarship
music, music performance, junior, senior, graduate, instrumentalist, vocalist, music education
48589, 48590, 48491, 48492, 48494
This fund provides support for Junior, Senior or Graduate students majoring in music or music performance. Award amount will vary. Please contact the School of Music for details on how to apply.
Margaret "Peggy" Rike Scholarship
marketing, Rike
To be awarded each year to a continuing full-time undergraduate marketing major who, in the opinion of the majority of the marketing faculty, has clearly demonstrated outstanding accomplishment in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and/or community service and has a verifiable interest in a career in retailing. In addition to the submission of an application form, the student is required to submit a resume and a suitable essay on the topic of “Retailing as a Career.” The student should possess a minimum GPA of 3.25 and have obtained senior status when the award is distributed. One award of $2,000 is made each year as funds are available.
Margorie Wilson Woodwind Scholarship
music, woodwind
48491, 48494
This scholarship is for woodwind majors in the Department of Music. Please contact the Department of Music for details on how to apply.
Marilyn McCauley WSU Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship
Alumni, Alumni Legacy
The Marilyn McCauley WSU Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship supports students that meet the current requirements for the Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship.
Marketing Scholarship
This scholarship is for Marketing majors who have outstanding accomplishment in the areas of scholarship, leadership and or community service.
Mary C. Drennen Marketing Scholarship
48477, 48563
To be awarded to a continuing full-time undergraduate, majoring in Marketing with a minimum 3.25 overall GPA. Must demonstrate leadership potential as evidenced by current participation in student activities, community activities and/or athletic activities (varsity or club athletics at WSU.) Recipients must indicate in the application essay why they are pursuing a degree in Marketing and what they plan to do with thier degree after graduation.
Preference will be given to females. Award amount will vary.
Material Science & Engineering Scholarship
Material, Material Science
48479, 48592
This scholarship is for Material Science and Engineering majors.
Math Scholarship
math, mathematics, stats, statistics
48480, 48542
This scholarship is for Mathematics/Statistics majors.
Mathies Middle Childhood Education Scholarship
College of Education & Human Services, Middle Childhood, Lake Campus
This scholarship supports undergraduate Lake Campus students who are Middle Childhood education majors. Award amount will vary.
McAtee Family Scholarship
Accountancy, Accounting, undergraduate
48359, 48587
The McAtee Family Scholarship supports junior and senior level accounting majors. Recipients must meet gpa and need requirements established each year for Mission scholarships.
McCullough Family Scholarship
middle class, engineering, business
48566, 48574
This scholarship is for undergraduate students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science or the Raj Soin College of Business. For students who have earned a GPA of between 2.5 and 3.5.
Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
mechanical, mechanical engineering
This scholarship is for Mechanical Engineering majors.
Melissa Ortiz-Bebbington Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship supports Wright State University students who are in good academic standing and are amigos of the Latino population.
Mercer County Civic Foundation Healthcare
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who lives in Auglaize or Mercer county and is majoring in a healthcare field.
Mercer County Sheriff's Reserve Association Law Enforcement Scholarship
Awarded to a Lake Campus Mercer County resident who will pursue either an Associate of Science degree in Law Enforcement or a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. Minimum semester registration is six (6) or more credit hours.
Mercer Savings Bank
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who resides in Darke or Mercer county and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
Merritt Wood Memorial
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student with financial needs.
Metallurgical Solutions Scholarship
materials, engineering
This scholarship is for Material Science and Engineering majors.
Michael A. Bruck Memorial Schlrshp
mathematics, stats, math, statistics
This scholarship is for undergraduate students who are Mathematics and Statistics majors in good academic standing.
Michael D. McCauley Scholarship
Finance, Raj Soin College of Business
This scholarship will support non-traditional Raj Soin College of Business students majoring in Finance.
Preference will be given to students with financial need and first generation status.
Michael Emrick Scholarship
disability, Disability Services, need, adapted recreation
This scholarship is for students registered with the Office of Disability Services. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and those who have been involved with adapted recreation. Leadership skills and contributions to the university will also be considered.
Michael P. Corcoran Memorial Scholarship
Corcoran, CATS
In memory of Michael P. Corcoran, an employee in CATS, this scholarship supports student employees of the CATS Department. Student must be in good academic standing. Award amount will vary, however no award will be less than $500.
Michael Schulze Memorial Scholarship
need, financial need, continuing, undergraduate
This scholarship, in memory of Michael Schulze, a Wright State employee of 37 years, supports continuing students that have demonstrated financial need.
Midmark Corporation
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who is a dependent of a Midmark employee or who is a graduate of a Darke county high school and maintained a 3.0 GPA.
Military Psychology Scholarship
Psychology, SOPP, School of Professional Psychology
Funding will be available for doctoral students who plan to pursue a career serving the military. Number and amount of awards will depend on availability of funds. Contact the School of Professional Psychology for details on how to apply.
Mission Scholarship
middle class, mission scholarship
This Mission Scholarship supports students who do not qualify for need-based or merit-based scholarships.
Modern Industrial Plastics Scholarship
mechanical, material, need, financial need
48479, 48481, 48587
This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical or Materials Engineering who have documented financial need. This award is renewable until graduation providing the recipient maintains a 2.5 gpa and continues to meet the eligibility outlined.
Morris Family Scholarship
sophomore, Student Union, Campus Rec, Campus Recreation
This scholarship is for sophomores who are Student Union or Campus Rec employees. Students must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have contributed to the Student Union's volunteer programs and services.
Mosier Scholarship
need, engineering, computer, financial need
48587, 48566
This scholarship is for continuing students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Successful applicants must have a 2.7 or higher gpa and be in good academic standing. Amount of the award varies.
Motion Pictures Alumni Scholarship
Motion Pictures
This fund will support students in the Motion Pictures Program. Recipients must be seniors with a 2.75 gpa and submit a completed script that will be reviewed by faculty and staff of the department. No award will be less than $500. Please contact the department for details on how to apply.
Mottley Public Service Award
48377, 48426, 48443, 48465, 48509, 48557, 48587, 48567
This award will support those students who have an interest in elected service or publicly appointed service. Award amount will vary.
Mr. and Mrs. Li Ming Scholarship
need, financial need, business, Raj Soin College of Business, non-traditional, junior, senior
48587, 48574
This scholarship provides support to non-traditional Raj Soin College of Business students. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have obtained junior or senior status. Preference will be given to students with financial need.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. and Myra O. Rowe Scholarship for the Doctoral Program in Organizational Studies
doctoral, organizational, doctorate, organizational studies, graduate, College of Education and Human Services, leadership
This fund supports students in the College of Education and Human Services Doctorate Program in Organizational Studies. Amount and number of awards will vary each year based on funds available.
Music Scholarship-General
This scholarship is Music majors. Please contact the Department of Music for details on who to apply.
MVP Dairy Learning Center
This fund support Wright State Lake Campus students who are majoring in Agriculture. Recipients must have a 3.0 or higher at Wright State or a 3.0 or higher in high school.
Award amount is $1,500.
Nancy P. Janssens Nursing Scholarship
Nursing, Financial Need, Need
48497, 48587, 48568
This scholarship is for undergraduate Nursing students with a minimum gpa of 3.0 and be from the Miami Valley with financial need.
National Aerospace & Electronics Scholarship (NAECON)
This scholarship is for students who have been admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science with a 3.0 or higher. Award amount varies.
Native American Student Scholarship
native american, indian, alaskan, native
This scholarship is for students of Native American descent who have a minimum gpa of 2.5. First preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
Neil Acharya Memorial Scholarship
premed, pre-med
This scholarship is for junior or senior students who are in the pre-med track. Students must have a 3.5 gpa.
Nezahualcoyotl Prize
This scholarship is for students who excel in the undergraduate courses in Latin American History. Please contact the department of History for details on how to apply.
Nicholas A. Moore, M.C. Opthalmology Scholarship
Medicine, Medical, opthalmoloty
48587, 48576
This scholarship will support a 4th year medical student with costs incurred during the application process to be an opthalmology resident. Please contact the Boonshoft School of Medicine, Office of Financial Aid, for details on how to apply.
Nicholas Koussa Memorial Scholarship
clinical lab, clinical laboratory, need, financial need
This scholarship is for Clinical Laboratory Science majors. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and financial need.
Non-Profit Leadership Alliance Scholarship Masters of Public Administration Scholarship
Masters of Public Administration
This scholarship is for graduate students in the Masters of Public Administration Program. Award amount will vary.
Norman and Cecile Cary Endowed Scholarship
English, Literature, Anglophone
This scholarship supports English majors who have a concentration in literature with a special interest in English, American or Anglophone literature. Successful applicants must have an overall gpa of 3.0, with a minimm gpa of 3.25 in their literature classes.
Norman Hanselmann Memorial Scholarship
need, financial need, continuing, full-time, undergraduate
This scholarship is for full-time, continuing undergraduate students who have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and demonstrated financial need. Award amount varies.
Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship is for Nursing students.
Ohio Society of CPAs Scholarship
accounting, accountancy
This scholarship is for students enrolled in the Master of Accountancy Program.
Ohio Wildlife Scholarship
environmental science, biological science, need, financial need, undergraduate
This scholarship is for undergraduate Biological Science or Environmental Science majors. Recipients must have financial need, above average academics, be from Ohio and have leadership qualities.
Old Troy Pike Community Church Study Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad
This scholarship supports WSU students who are studying abroad. Contact UCIE for details on how to apply.
Organization of Black Faculty and Staff Scholarship
underrepresented, Black, Asian, Indian
This scholarship is for students from any underrepresented group who have attained a cumulative gpa of 2.6. Preference is given to those with demonstrated financial need.
Pacernick Scholarship for Creative Writing
English, creative writing, poetry, creative writing poetry
This scholarship is for junior or senior English majors with a concentration in Creative Writing-Poetry. Applicants must have a minimum gpa of 2.5 and submit three-to five original poems with their application. Applicant is required to have two letters of recomendations; at least one of them must be from an English department faculty member. Students receiving this scholarship for their junior year will be eligible to re-apply for their senior year.
Parents Association Scholarship
Parent's Association, full-time, continuing
This scholarship is for full-time continuing students who have a parent, step-parent, or legal guardian who is a current member of the Parents Association.
Park Hills Viking Guard Scholarship
Music, Education, Fairborn High School, music education, Fairborn
First preference for this scholarship is for Fairborn High School graduates who are majoring in music. Education majors from Fairborn High School may also be considered if there are no music majors.
Park National Bank
WOEF Scholarships awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who gradudated from a Darke or Mercer county high school, is majoring in Business, and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
Parris Hummons Memorial Scholarship
Need, Financial Need, DECA, Dayton Early College Academy, College of Liberal Arts, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Raj Soin College of Business
48587, 48566, 48567, 48574
This scholarship will support undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who have graduated from the Dayton Early College Academy. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 2.5. Award amount will vary.
Pascual-Gusukuma Scholarship
This scholarship is for metorius students in the Raj Soin College of Business.
This scholarship was established to support and encourage nursing students with financial need entering their junior year and senior year. Award amount will vary.
Patterson/Miller Scholarship
nursing, financial need, need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for undergraduate Nursing students with financial need.
Paul R. Simmons Sigma Phi Epsilon Scholarship
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Fraternity
This scholarship is for members in good standing of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Recipients must be full-time undergraduate students who have attained junior status at the time of award and have a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Pax Machine Works
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who is a dependent of a Pax Machine Works employee or who is a graduate of a Mercer county high school, has maintained a 3.0 GPA or above, and is majoring in Engineering or Business.
Pepsi-Cola Women's Empowerment Scholarship
Recipients be a continuing student and be in good academic standing. Award amount will vary.
Perry Moore Scholarship
Liberal Arts, COLA
This scholarship is for students who are in good academic standing in the College of Liberal Arts.
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
PTK, Phi Theta Kappa, transfer, transfer student
This scholarship is for students enrolling full-time at Wright State University directly from a two-year college who are PTK members with a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher and has 36 transferable quarter hours or 24 semester hours. One award of $1500 is made annually.
Philip G. Wise Percussion Scholarship
Music, Percussion
This Fund was established to support students studying percussion music performance at Wright State University. Award amount will vary. Contact the School of Music on details on how to apply.
Physics Scholarship
This scholarship is for Physics majors.
Pohlman & Talmage Endowed Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors who have been admitted into the Department of Accountancy.
Pohlman, Talmage, Brown & Campbell CPAs Scholarship
financial, financial services, accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48438, 48440, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Political Science Scholarship
political science
This scholarship is for Political Science majors.
Precision Strip
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who is a dependent of a Precision Strip employee or who is an Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, or Shelby county school, has maintained a GPA of at least a 3.0, and is majoring in Engineering or Business.
Pre-Health Program Scholarship
pre-health prehealth, pre health Pre-Med, Pre-Medical
This scholarship will provide funding for undergraduate students who have minimum a gpa of 3.25, are of junior status and are enrolled in the pre-health or Post-Bac Certificate in the Pre-Medical program. Successful applicants must show humanist values, leadership and services to the community in their scholarship essay and extracurricular activities. Award amounts will vary.
Professor Krishan Gorowara Memorial Scholarship
math, mathematics, stats, statistics
48480, 48542
This scholarship is for Mathematics/Statistics majors who have obtained junior status by the start of the next academic year.
Project Management Institute (PMI) Dayton Miami Valley Scholarship
management information systems, mis
This scholarship is for undergraduate MIS majors participating in a research project within the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Recipients must be junior or senior status in good academic standing.
Psychology Scholarship
This scholarship is for Psychology majors.
Raj Malhotra Education Scholarship
international, India
This scholarship is for students from India. Successful recipients must be in the U.S. on a student visa and in valid status, have a minimum gpa of 3.0 for undergraduate students and a 3.2 for graduate students. Students who are receiving a graduate assistant-ship or a tuition waiver will not qualify.
Raj Pujara Memorial Scholarship
electrical engineering
This fund supports electrical engineering majors.
Raj Soin College of Business Scholarship
This scholarship is for Raj Soin College of Business students.
Raj Soin College of Business STEM Scholarship
Incoming, business, Raj Soin College of Business, Dayton Regional STEM school, direct admit
48574, 48589
This scholarship is for incoming students graduating from the Dayton Regional STEM school with at least a 3.5 high school cumulative GPA and minimum 29 ACT score. Student must qualify as a direct admit to Raj Soin College of Business and be pursuing a major within the
Raj Soin College of Business.
Ralph & Marilyn Smith Scholarship
music, orchestral instrument
This scholarship is for Music majors who are specializing in an orchestral instrument. Please contact the Department of Music for details on how to apply.
Randolph N. Kramer Advisory Board Scholarship
This Fund is being established to support students majoring in Accountancy in the Raj Soin College of Business. Recipinetes must be at minimum, a junior when the award is made. Award amount is $1,000 as funds are available.
Randolph N. Kramer Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, Lake
48561, 48359
This scholarship supports students majoring in accountancy who are working while attending classes. No award will be less than $500. Preference will be given to thoe students who transferred from the Lake campus.
Randy and Cynthia Phillips Scholarship and Internship Endowed Fund CECS
need, financial need, Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, undergraduate
48587, 48566
Scholarship recipients will be incoming or continuning students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science with a minimum gpa of 2.5 in High School or at Wright State and have demonstrated financial need. Recipients may be either full or part-time.
Randy and Cynthia Phillips Scholarship and Internship Endowed Fund COLA
need, financial need, Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts, undergraduate, incoming, freshman, continuing, part time, full time,
Scholarship recipients will be incoming or continuning students in the College of Liberal Arts with a minimum gpa of 2.5 in High School or at Wright State and have demonstrated financial need. Recipients may be either full or part-time. Funds may also support unpaid internship students.
Rasor Family Finish Line Scholarship
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering
48404, 48432
This scholarship supports undergraduate transfer students from Sinclair Community College who are Electrical Engineering and Computer Science majors. Preference will be given to those students with veteran or active duty service. This scholarship is renewable.
Ratilal B. Patel Scholarship
MCE, College of Education and Human Services, Middle Childhood
48484, 48587, 48565
This scholarship will support College of Education and Human Services students who are in the Middle Childhood Education program. Recipients can be in either the licensure or master's program. Successful applicants will have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated financial need, and with extensive community service.
Raymond and Patricia Giesige
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who lives in Mercer county and has situational needs.
Registrar's Office Student Employee
This scholarship is for students who work in the Registrars Office.
Religion Scholarship
This scholarship is for Relgion majors.
Residence Services Scholarship
residence, resident, campus housing
This scholarship is for students who live on campus that contribute to the residential community. Please contact Residence Life & Housing for details on how to apply.
Retain the 9 Scholarship
financial need, sophomore, STEMM
This scholarship will provide funding for students from socioeconomically defined and international students at Wright State. Successful applicants must have demonstrated financial need, have reached sophomore status and be registered full-time with a minimum gpa of 2.75. Award amount is $500.
Reuben and Leola Wissman Estate
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who has financial needs.
This fund provides scholarships to hard working undergraduate students in the Raj Soin College of Business. Award amount is $5,000 annually for 2 to 3 years. Contact the Dean's office on details on how to apply.
Reynolds and Reynolds Foundation
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student that has maintained a 3.0 GPA in high school or at the college level.
Reynolds and Reynolds Leadership Scholarship-Continuing
computer, computer science, engineering, computer engineering, incoming, freshman, first year
48403, 48404, 48405
This scholarship is for continuing students in the Computer Science or Computer Engineering program. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Reynolds and Reynolds Leadership Scholarship-Incoming
computer, computer science, engineering, computer engineering, incoming, freshman, first year
48403, 48404, 48405
This continuing scholarship is for incoming students in the Computer Science or Computer Engineering program. Successful applicants must have a minimum SAT score of 1130 (Old)/1220 (New) or a minimum ACT score of 25. Awards are renewable for up to four years provided student maintains a 3.0 gpa and full-time status.
Richard and Catharine Sharp Estate
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student with financial needs.
Richard Blazer Endowed Scholarship
social work
This scholarship is for Social Work majors. Please contact the Department of Social Work to apply.
Richard DeWall M.D. Memorial Scholarship
Medical, Medicine
This scholarship supports M3 and M4 medical students. Preference will be given to those students who are disadvantaged, considering thoracic surgery, general surgery or orthopedics.
Richard Holmes Housing Scholarship
Lake Campus
This fund will support a non-traditional Lake Campus student who has a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Lake Campus, Engineering
The scholarship supports continuing non-traditional Lake Campus students who are majoring in Engineering and have obtained a gpa of 3.0. Award amount is $2,500.
Richard Page Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for Psychology majors who have been successful in their studies.
Richard Raudabaugh Memorial
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is majoring in Agriculture.
Rishi Kumar Endowed Scholarship
business, need, financial need
48587, 48574
This scholarship is for any full-time Business major who has demonstrated financial need.
Rising Star Scholarship
acting, musical
This scholarship is for students who have been admitted into the Acting or Acting/Musical Theatre program. Please contact the Department of Theatre for details on how to apply.
Riverside Research Institute Scholarship Fund
STEM, need, financial need, junior, senior
This fund supports one outstanding undergraduate student who is majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics or Math. Recipient must be a U.S. Citizen and be in good academic standing. Award amount is $2,500 will be renewed for up to 3 years providing the recipient continues to meet the criteria.
Rob and Michelle Russell Scholarship
Business, sophomore, Raj Soin College of Business, transfer
This scholarship will be used to support undergraduate, continuing or transfer, Raj Soin School of Business students. Successful applicants must have reached sophomore status, be working full or part-time and have a minimum grade point average of a 2.9. Minimum amount of award is $2,500. Number of awards will vary depending on funding available.
Robbins & Myers Endowed Scholarship (CECS)
engineering, full-time, junior, senior
This scholarship is for junior or senior students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science who have obtained a 3.0 gpa. This award is renewable providing the student continues to meet the full-time attendance and 3.0 gpa requirements. Award amount varies.
Robbins & Myers Endowed Scholarship (RSCOB)
junior, senior, full-time, business
This scholarship is for junior or senior students in the Raj Soin College of Business.
Robert and Wanda Stofer Music Award
Music, sophmore, junior, senior
48491, 48492, 48493, 48494
This scholarship is for Music majors who have reached, at minimum, sophomore level. Please contact the Music Department for details on how to apply.
Robert Appenzeller Engineering Scholarship
Engineering, Computer Science, incoming, freshman, first year
This renewable scholarship is for incoming freshman who have obtained a 3.0 gpa at high school and will be studying engineering or computer science. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 gpa at Wright State to qualify for renewal. Award amount varies.
Robert B. Dorris Jr. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for Religion majors and minors who submit a research paper written for a Religion Department Class. Successful applicants will be selected based on the academic merit of the submitted research paper. Award amount varies.
Robert D. Reece PhD Annual Student Humanism Award
School of Medicine, Boonshoft School of Medicine
This fund will provide awards to medical students who demonstrate the spirit of humanism and dedication to service.
Robert Dixon Scholarship Fund
computer science, computer engineering
This scholarship supports undergraduate students who are majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 2.5, but no higher than a 3.5.
Robert G. Chollar Scholarship
financial need, Miami Valley, Science and Math, need
48587, 48569
This scholarship is for College of Science and Math students from the Miami Valley and who also have financial need.
Robert McMillan Endowed Scholarship
School of Fine and Performing Arts, Music, Music Education, Junior, Senior,
This scholarship is for full time students in the School of Fine and Performing Arts Majoring in Music Education who is a junior or senior, demonstrates commitment to professional preparation and demonstrate high potential of successful music educator.
Preference should be given to students coming to WSU from Fairborn, Springfield, or Dayton School Systems.
Robert Michel Family Scholarship
Accounting, Accountancy
This scholarship will support full-time accountancy majors. Recipients must have a 3.25 gpa or better and demonstrated financial need.
Robert Milling Sr. Scholarship
Engineering, disability, disabilities, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
This scholarship supports Engineering students who are also registered with the Office of Disability Services. Preference will be given to graudate students. Award amount will vary.
Robert Oelman Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to honor Robert S. Oelman, a distinguished former Wright State leader; high achieving applicants are reviewed by their college scholarship committee; one nomination is made by each college to the University Scholarship Committee for selection.
Robert Putnam Memorial Scholarship
This fund was established in memory of Robert Putnam to support students majoring in Neuroscience. Award amount will vary and will depend on funds available.
Rockford FOE Aerie #1292 Direct From High School
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who graduated from Parkway High School and maintained a GPA of 3.0.
Rockford FOE Aerie #1292 Law Enforcement Program
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is a member of the Rockford Eagles or whose parents are members of the Rockford Eagles and is majoring in Criminal Justice or completing the Police Academy.
Rockford FOE Aerie #1292 Membership Parkway HS
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who graduate from Parkway and is a member or whose parents are members of the Rockford Eagles.
Rockford FOE Aerie #1292 Membership, Any HS
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who graduated from any high school and is a member or whose parents are members of the Rockford Eagles.
Roddy-Holden Foundation Scholarship
need, financial need
This scholarship is for incoming, transfer or continuing students with demonstrated financial need.
Roddy-Holden Foundation Scholarship CEHS
need, financial need
This scholarship is for incoming, transfer or continuing undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.5.
This is renewable as long as the recipient applies and continues to meet the criteria.
Award amount will vary.
Roger and Vicki Fulk Family Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a continuing Lake Campus student who is majoring in business and maintained a 2.5 GPA.
Ronald F. Hough Scholarship
This scholarship is for full-time or part-time Philosophy majors or minors who have attained a minimum gpa of 3.0.
RSCOB Corporate Advisory Board Scholarship
junior, senior, business, Raj Soin College of Business, need, financial need
48587, 48574
This scholarship is for junior or senior students in the Raj Soin College of Business. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated leadership qualities and service to the college, as determined by the committee.
RSM Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy students who have met the admission standards into the John Talbott Accounting Leadership Program.
Russell Hereth Endowed Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors in the Raj Soin College of Business.
Sadie Quinn Patrick Jessup Endowed Scholarship
need, financial need, Computer Science, Business, Raj Soin College of Business
48587, 48574
The Sadie Quinn Patrick Jessup Endowed Scholarship will support undergraduate financial need students from the greater Cincinnati area. Recipients must be intending to or majoring in the Raj Soin College of Business. A gpa between 2.0 and 3.0 is required.
Samantha Laux Scholarship
need, financial need, disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, quadriplegia or paraplegia, Disability Services
This scholarship is for students who are registered with the Office of Disability Services and have demonstrated financial need.
Samia W. Borchers M.D. Scholarship
Medicine, BSOM, medical
This scholarship supports medical students who are disadvantaged or have need. Leadership and volunteer activities are to be demonstrated through the applicant's essay. Number and amount of awards vary.
Samuel Harris Memorial Scholarship
Elementary Education
This scholarship is for African-American Elementary Education students. Successful applicants will be Wright State students who have obtained a gpa of 3.0 and who have demonstrated potential and commitment to the elementary childhood population.
Santosh Gorowara Memorial Scholarship for Art Education
Art Education
48363, 48419, 48466, 48484, 48489
This Fund provides scholarship assistance to undergraduate students studying in the fields of education and the visual fine arts. Preference will be given to non-traditional students with financial need.
Sara Anne Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Financial Need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for undergraduate Nursing students with financial need. Recipents must be Ohio resisdents and have a minimum gpa of 2.75. First preference is given to those applicants who are from a rural area. Award amount varies.
Sara E. Woodhull Endowed Scholarship
internship, co-op
48567, 48587
This fund supports students in the College of Liberal Arts who are engaged in an unpaid internship as part of their academic program.
Sarah Tipps Scholarship for Music
music, vocal music, vocal
This scholarship is for Vocal Music majors. Please contact the Music Department for details on how to apply.
Scarlet Feather Underrepresented in Medicine Scholarship
medicine, medical
This Fund was established to support 2-$40,000 scholarships for Underrepresented in Medicine Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine students. This award is renewable for up to four years.
Scholarship for Pediatric Advanced Practice Nursing
Nursing, graduate, child, adolescent, health, clinical, nurse, pediatric, 3.2 gpa, nurse practitioner
This scholarship is for Nursing students enrolled in the Child & Adolescent Health Clinical Nurse/Pediatric Nurse Program.
School of Professional Psychology Scholarship
Science & Math Scholarship
physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, environmental science, psychology, biological, biochemistry, neuroscience, cell biology, physiology
This scholarship is for any major in the College of Science and Math.
Scot G. Woolley Memorial Scholarship
Musical Theatre
48551, 48552
This scholarship supports students who have a profound love for musical theatre. Recipients must have a 3.5 gpa.
Award amount varies. For details on how to apply, please contact the department.
Scrappy Womens Endowed Scholarship CoSM
physics, chemistry
48393, 48507
This scholarship is for Physics or Chemistry majors.
Scrappy Womens Endowed Scholarship RSCoB
management, international business
48464, 48475
This scholarship is for Management majors.
Sean Bush Memorial Scholarship
Medicine, Medical, Boonshoft
This fund supports Boonshoft School of Medicine 3rd and 4th year students.
Second Mile Scholarship
undergraduate, continuing, need, financial need
First consideration for awards are meant to bridge the gap for students who do not receive merit-based or need-based aid. Applicants must be continuing, undergraduate students with a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Senior of Distinction Scholarship
The award will be made to recognize one outstanding senior student with demonstrated financial need, be first in their family to attend a 4-year institution and have the potential to succeed despite adverse circumstances.
Sharon Sutton Endowed Scholarship
financial need, business
48587, 48574
This scholarship is for non-traditional students. Preference will be given to Business majors.
Shepard Family Scholarship
campus rec, student union
This scholarship is for first-year students who are employees of the Student Union/Campus Recreation.
Sherry Feeser Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for Wright State Nursing students who have reached junior level with a 3.0 gpa and intend to practice in maternity or neo-natal intensive care.
Siavosh Bozorgi M.D. Surgical Resident Award and Scholarship
Medicine, Medical, School of Medicine, Surgery
This award was established to provide financial assistance on an annual basis to a superior surgical resident at the Boonshoft School of Medicine with a strong preference to those interested in Vascular, Thoracic and/or Cardiovascular Surgery and to provide scholarship funds to a deserving fourth year medical student pursing a specialty in surgery.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Leader Scholarship
Greek Life, incoming, male
Balanced Leaders Scholarship recipients must be full-time undergraduate incoming students. To be eligible, applicants must have a 2.7 high school gpa. Additional consideration will be given to those who are in the top 20% of their class and to those who indicate the intent to participate in Greek Life.
Simmons Course Expense Fund
full-time undergraduate, undergraduate, 2.25 gpa, US Citizen
48591, 48592
This fund is for full-time undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens and for those who have a minimum gpa of 2.25. Awards are to assist students with expenses over and above tuition, room and board. Please contact the Director of Financial Aid to apply.
Sinclair Transfer Scholarship
Sinclair, transfer
This scholarship will support transfer students from Sinclair Community College. Number and amount of awards will vary.
Social Work Alumni Society Scholarship
social work, alumni
This scholarship is for Social Work majors who have attained a 3.0 gpa.
Social Work Scholarship
social work, social worker
This scholarship is for Social Work majors.
Sociology/Anthropology Scholarship
sociology, anthropology
This scholarship is for Sociology/Anthropology majors.
Sondra K. Zinser Nursing Scholarship
48497, 48563
This scholarship is for female junior or senior Nursing students over the age of 35.
Sophia K. Apple M.D. Scholarship
medicine, medical, pathology, financial need, second year
48482, 48576
This scholarship is for second year medical students with financial need and have reached the top half of their class. The medical student must have volunteer activities and leadership qualities. Medical students expressing interest in Pathology and/or underrepresented in medicine will be given first preference.
Sophie Kerrigan Memorial Scholarship
fine and performing arts, dance, art, theatre, fine arts, performing arts
This scholarship benefits outstanding students in the fine and performing arts.
Speedway Business Merit Scholarship
Raj Soin College of Business, merit
This scholarship supports students in the Raj Soin College of Business. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.3 and have demonstrated the highest level of academic achievement. Awards of $1,000 each will be made annually as funds are available.
Springfield Wright STEPP Scholarship
Wright STEPP, Springfield, STEPP
This fund supports students attending Wright State University that have completed the Wright STEPP Program in Springfield, Ohio.
SRC, Inc. STEM Scholarship
48566, 48569
This scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the College of Science and Mathematics. Successful applicants must be majoring in a STEM field and have demonstrated financial need. Award amount is $1,000 as funds are available and is renewable as long as students continue to meet eligibility.
St. Leonard Nursing Scholarship
nursing, financial need, need
48497, 48587
This scholarship is for Nursing students who intend to work with the aging.
St. Marys FOE Aerie #767 Continuing Education
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus continuing education student who lives in St. Marys.
St. Marys FOE Aerie #767 Direct From High School
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who attend St. Marys High School and maintained a GPA of 3.0.
St. Marys FOE Aerie #767 Law Enforcement Scholarships
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who lives in Auglaize county and is enrolled in the Police Academy or is majoring in Criminal Justice.
St. Marys Kiwanis Book Scholarship
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus direct from high school students who graduated from St. Marys Memorial High School.
Stacey M. Lawson Inflight Scholarship Fund
Business, need
This scholarship supports students in the Raj Soin College of Business. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 2.5 and have demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to minorities and single parents. Minimum award amount is $1,000 as funds are available.
Stateline Writer's Book
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who is majoring in English, Journalism, Education, or Language Arts.
Statistical Consulting Center Scholarship
stats, statistics, statistical
This scholarship is to support Statistics majors.
Stefan M. Pugh Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship
Modern Languages, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian
48441, 48445, 48539
This award will be used to support a continuing undergraduate student who has a minimum gpa of 3.4, and who is studying abroad during the core academic year, August through May. First preference will be for students in the Department of Modern Languages. If there are no qualified Modern Language applicants, awards can be made to continuing undergraduate Political Science majors. Awards will be given to those who have the highest gpa.
Summer semester study abroad terms do not qualify.
Stephen and Opal Jagoditz
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student.
Stephen D. Frederick Scholarship
sport science, multi-age education, athletic training, public health education, physical education, education, full-time, financial need, need, kinesiology, health, 3.0, adapted physical education, community health education,
48384, 48401, 48489, 48506, 48519, 48541
This fund is for full-time Health and Recreation majors with demonstrated financial need who have attained a 3.0 gpa.
Steven Mason Business Scholarship
financial need, business, need
48587, 48574
This scholarship is for continuing Raj Soin College of Business students who have obtained a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Student Government Endowed Scholarship
sophomore, undergraduate
This scholarship supports undergraduate students who have reached sophomore status. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have demonstrated leadership abilities and commitment to community and campus service. Award amount varies.
Student Government Scholarship
student community
This scholarship is for students with a minimum gpa of 3.0 and who have made a contribution to the WSU Community.
Student Legal Services Scholarship
graduate, undergraduate
This scholarship is for Wright State students in any major, at any level with a minimum gpa of 2.0 for undergraduates and a 3.0 for graduate students.
Student Union/Campus Recreation Awards
Student Union, Campus Rec, Campus Recreation
This fund provides scholarship support for student employees of the Student Union or Campus Recreation. Successful applicants must be employed no later than the first day of classes of spring semester. Recipients must have a minimum gpa of 2.0 and commendable job performance.
Sucher Chamber Orchestra Scholarship
music, chamber orchestra, chamber, orchestra
This scholarship is for chamber orchestra performers. Please contact the Department of Music for information on how to apply.
Susan & Jerome Fetsko Scholarship
international student
This scholarship is for International Students that have been at Wright State at least one term at time of application.
Teacher Education Scholarship
teacher, teacher education
This scholarship is for Teacher Education majors.
Ted C. Nelson Scholarship for Veterans
This scholarship is for veterans of the U.S. military, with preference for Army veterans pursuing a science degree.
Tejasvi Mateti Memorial Scholarship
Finance, Financial Services
48438, 48440
This scholarship is for Finance or Financial Services majors.
Teresa Ann Buchanan Memorial Scholarship
Art, Art Teacher
This scholarship supports undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with the intent to become art teachers. Recipient must have a minimum gpa of 3.0 and submit a 250 word essay. The amount of the award given will be $3,000 annually and is renewable for students until graduation that meet the aforementioned criteria.
For details on how to apply, please contact the department of Art and Art History.
Teresa Jones Lack Scholarship
veterans, military
This scholarship supports veterans and active duty military with demonstrated financial need.
The Acorn Scholarship
48386, 48387, 48483
The Acorn Scholarship will fund undergraduate and graduate level students in the Biological Sciences, Microbiology and Immunology or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Programs. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Award amount will vary.
The Benjamin and Marian Schuster Endowed Scholarship in the Performing Arts
theatre, dance, motion pictures, performing arts, Liberal Arts, COLA, College of Liberal Arts, need based, financial need,
Successful applicants will be majoring in the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures. Recipients must be juniors or seniors with a gpa minimum of 2.5. Please contact Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures for details on how to apply.
The Gentile Scholarship Fund for Social Work
social work
This fund, established to honor Charles J. Gentile, and his daughter, Diane, supports social work majors who are committed to furthering the development of solutions to the social work issues that affect all people in modern society. Successful applicants must meet the current requirements of the University's Mission Scholarships that supports students who may not be eligible for other academic scholarships or need based grants.
The Lewis P. Twill Endowed Social Work Scholarship
study abroad, Social Work
This fund supports Social Work majors with preference being given to those who are going to study abroad. Minimum award amount is $500.
The Professor Frank A. Stickney Scholarship
management, junior, senior, business
This scholarship will support undergraduate students who are at the junior or senior level and are majoring in Management. First preference will be given to U.S. citizens.
The Spirit of 1970 Scholarship
disability, Disability Services
The Spirit of 1970 Scholarship: The Office of Disability Services, known then as Handicapped Student Services, was founded in 1970, seven years before required by law. This award is given annually to students who best embody the spirit and legacy of over 50 years of disability access at Wright State University. Award amount varies.
Theatre Arts
theatre, theatre arts, dance, motion pictures
This scholarship is for Theatre Arts majors. Please contact the department for details on how to apply.
Thomas C. Fay Endowment Fund
disability, disabled
This fund helps students obtain their goal who are registered with the Office of Disability Services.
Thomas D. Weeda Memorial Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, financial need, need, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48587, 48574
This scholarship is for Accountancy majors who have attained a minimum gpa of 3.0 and have financial need.
Thomas Dovel Memorial Scholarship
To be awarded each year to a continuing undergraduate marketing major who, in the opinion of the majority of the marketing faculty, has made special or significant contributions to nonprofit marketing endeavors. Recipient must be in good academic standing have obtained senior status when the award is distributed
Award amount will vary.
Thomas E. Martin Jr. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students.
Thomas Farquer Scholarship in honor of John Fortman and George Hess
This scholarship supports Chemistry majors. Recipients must be full-time, undergraduate continuing students with a minimum gpa of 2.5. Award amount is $2,000 annually.
Thomas Kreusch Family Scholarship
finance, financial services, financial need, need
48438, 48440, 48587
This scholarship is for Finance or Financial Services majors who have attained a minimum gpa of 3.0. First preference will go to students with financial need.
Thompson Hine LLP Endowed Scholarship
law school
This scholarship is for students who have completed the Law School Admission Council application or who have declared Legal Studies as a minor. Preference will be given to members of a racial minority, those registered with the Office of Disability Services or members of the LGBTQ Community.
Timothy and Kelly Gockel Scholarship
Financial Need, Accountancy, Accounting
48359, 48588
This scholarship supports students majoring in accountancy. Recipients must have demonstrated financial need and have attained sophomore status. Award amount is $2,000 as funds are available.
Todd Koehn Endowed Scholarship Fund
athletics, athlete
This scholarship will support intercollegiate athletes who are not receiving an athletics grant. Please contact the Department of Athletics on details on how to apply.
Tom and Ann Knapke
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who maintained a 2.5 GPA.
Tom Hanks Scholarship Fund
theatre, theater
This scholarship is for students in the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures. Please contact the Theatre Department for details on how to apply.
Tony Ortiz Athletic Training Scholarship
athletic, athletic training
48384, 48565
This scholarship is for full-time Athletic Training majors. The recipient must demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities, have earned a minimum GPA of 3.00 and complete the application process established by the Athletic Training Program. Preference will be given to those students actively participating in the WSU Athletic Training Student Association (ATSO). The award amount will vary.
Tonya Williams M.D. Scholarship
medical students, need, financial need, medicine
48587, 48576
This fund supports non-traditional age medical students who have demonstrated financial need with dependent children.
Tricia E. Small Endowed Scholarship
Motion Pictures, financial need, jr, junior, senior, sr
The Tricia E. Small Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior student majoring in the Motion Picture Program. Must have demonstrated financial need, and have a minimum gpa of 2.5. For details on how to apply, please contact the Motion Picture Program office.
Tschudin Family Scholarship for STEM Students
This scholarship is for Dayton Regional STEM School students who graduated with a minimum gpa of 2.5. Preference will be given to students with financial need.
United Healthcare Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students who are planning a career in Primary Care.
University College Scholarship
university college
This scholarship is for students in University College.
Upward Bound Scholarship
Upward Bound
This scholarship is for graduates of the Upward Bound Program.
Vantilburg Family Scholarship
Lake Campus, agriculture
This scholarship supports students studying agriculture at the Lake Campus. Award amount is $3,000 and is renewable for one additional year.
Veterans Scholarship
This scholarship is for U.S. Veterans.
Victor Fuhrwerk Memorial
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a Lake Campus student who resides in Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, or Van Wert county and is need-based.
Virginia Arlene Di Flora Memorial Scholarship
Engineering, Computer Science, freshman, first year, incoming
This full-tuition scholarship is for women who are entering Wright State College of Engineering and Computer Science direct from high school in the top 20% of their class. This scholarship is renewable for four years based on full-time attendance and a WSU gpa of 3.0 or above.
Virginia Hamilton Adoff Memorial Scholarship
nursing, financial need, need
48497, 48587, 48568
This memorial scholarship is for undergraduate female nursing students of African- American descent with financial need. Successful applicants must have a minimum gpa of 3.0. Preference is given to non-traditional students.
Volkssporting Scholarship
kinesiology, health, financial need, undergraduate, need, full-time, athletic training, public health, multi-age education, sports science, 3.0, education, physical education, adapted physical education
48587, 48384, 48401, 48489, 48506, 48519, 48541, 48565
This scholarship is for full-time, continuing undergraduate students with a major in the Department of Kinesiology and Health, who have financial need and a minimum gpa of 3.0.
Wanda Coalson Piano Scholarship
music, piano
This scholarship is for Piano majors. Please contact the Music Department for details on how to apply.
Washington Family Scholarship
Hispanic, Latino, African American, Black, African-American
48356, 48587, 220760
This scholarship will support undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. First preference will be given to African-American or Hispanic/Latino students. Minimum award amount is $500.
Watson D. Parker Jr M.D. Scholarship
This scholarship is for fourth-year Medical students who demonstrate compassion in patient care.
Watson Family Scholarship
This scholarship is for Finance majors who have earned a minimum gpa of 2.5.
Weaver Eggs
WOEF Scholarship awarded to a direct from high school Lake Campus student who is a Versailles High graduate, is majoring in Agriculture or Business, and has maintained a 2.5 GPA.
West Central Ohio Graduate Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship supports graduate students in the College of Nursing and Health. Preference will be given to those applicants who currently work as an oncology nurse. Award amount will vary.
Wilda Murray Ehrenfried Scholarship
parenting, parents, with children, dependents
This scholarship provides financial educational assistance to students with demonstrated financial need who are single with dependent children. A gpa of 3.0 is required.
William & Blanche Schneider Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students from Greene County.
William & Cynthia King Scholarship
48395, 48449, 48467
This scholarship is for full-time or part-time Classics majors or minors with a minimum gpa of 3.0.
William Brent Turner Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is for undergraduate Nursing students from the local area. Award amount varies.
William E. Rickert Endowed Scholarship
Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts
This scholarship supports students from the College of Liberal Arts who have demonstrated financial need. The number and amount of awards will vary.
William H. Wahlert Memorial Scholarship
human factors, mechanical systems engineering
48455, 48566
This scholarship is for Human Factors/Mechanical Engineering majors who are actively pursuing their studies.
William I. Schoenfeld Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, financial need, need, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48587, 48574
This scholarship is for financial need students majoring in Accountancy who have public accounting in their career plans.
William J. Kane Scholarship
financial services
This scholarship is for Financial Services majors.
William L. Gans Scholarship
accounting, accountancy, financial need, need, College of Business, RSCOB
48359, 48587, 48574
This scholarship is for financial need students majoring in Accountancy who have public accounting in their career plans. Preference is given to those applicants who are from the Miami Valley.
William R. James Fund for Science and Engineering (CECS)
financial need, engineering, need
48587, 48569
Scholarship recipients will be majoring in any field within the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Sucessful applicant must have demonstrated financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.7.
William R. James Fund for Science and Engineering (COSM)
financial need, need, College of Science and Math
48587, 48569
Scholarship recipients will be majoring in physical or natural science with financial need and a minimum gpa of 2.7.
William Randolph Hearst Scholarship
Wright STEPP
This scholarship is for students who have completed the Wright STEPP Program.
William S. McCormick Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Electrical Engineering
This scholarship will support Electrical Engineeing majors. Award amount will vary.
Willis and Ruth Winters
48561, 48497
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student who is majoring in nursing and has maintained a 3.0 GPA.
Winsupply, Inc. Scholarship
Computer Science, Computer Engineering
This fund provides scholarships for students pursuing degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Award amount is $2,500 and is not renewable.
Wittlinger Daytonview Optimist Club Scholarship
financial need, electrical engineering, need
48432, 48587
This scholarship is for junior or senior Electrical Engineering majors who have financial need and a minimum gpa of 3.0. Award amount will vary.
WOEF Scholarship
WOEF scholarship awarded to any Lake Campus student.
WOEF Trustees General Continuing A-K
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student with financial needs.
WOEF Trustees General Continuing L-Z
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student with financial needs.
WOEF Trustees High School A-K
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student with financial needs.
WOEF Trustees High School L-Z
WOEF Scholarship awarded to Lake Campus student with financial needs.
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Scholarships
Women, Gender and Sexuality
This scholarhsip supports students in the women, gender and sexuality studies program.
Wonka Golden Ticket Scholarship
This prize will be randomly awarded to Boonshoft School of Medicine students.
Wright Fellows Program Fund
Grad, Grad Student, Graduate
The Wright Fellow program includes up to $6000 of (nonrefundable) tuition per semester of full-time registration (six graduate credit hours or more) for up to four consecutive semesters (with spring and fall counting as consecutive semesters if fellows do not register for summer). Wright Fellows are not expected to provide service for the award.
Applicants will provide the following information:
- A statement of purpose from the applicant.
- A resume or CV from the applicant.
- A letter of recommendation that speaks to the individual’s relationship to the applicant, as well as the past performance and future potential of the applicant.
Eligibility requirements are as follows:
- The applicant is a US citizen or permanent resident.
- The applicant has been admitted to but has not yet commenced study in a graduate program (master’s or doctoral) that is overseen by the Graduate School. Students already enrolled in graduate programs or combined degree (4+1) programs, and students entering professional doctorates (MD, PsyD), are not eligible.
- The recipient must maintain full-time student status (i.e., at least six credits/semester).
- The recipient must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA each semester.
- The recipient must make satisfactory progress toward degree completion.
Wright State Physicians Scholarship
This scholarship is for Medical students who have completed at least one year at the Boonshoft School of Medicine.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship - CHEHS
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt, Education, College of Education and Human Services, Teaching, Teacher, undergraduate
48587, 48565
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship - COSM
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt, College of Science and Math
48587, 48569
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship CECS
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt, Engineering, Computer Science
48587, 48566
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship COLA
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship RSCOB
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt, Business, Raj Soin College of Business
48587, 48574
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
Wright-Patt Credit Union Scholarship UC
need, financial need, Miami Valley, Wright-Patt
Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) established this fund to support full or part-time undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. as a continuing student, or a 3.0 as incoming student from High School. Successful applicants will be from the Wright-Patt Credit Union 16-county service area and have shown contributions to the community through community service projects in their essay. Preference will be given to those students who are Wright-Patt Credit Union members and those who take a class offered by WPCU. Amount of awards will vary.
WSU Retirees Association Nick Davis Scholarship
full-time, undergraduate, retiree
Preference for this scholarship is for students who have a relative who is a WSU retiree, and to students who are age 25 and older. Students must be continuing undergraduate students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be registered full-time.
WSU Student Affairs Diversity Scholarship
sophomore, diversity, equity, inclusion
This Scholarship is for continuing students who have attained sophomore status and who show commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
WSUPD Student Employee Scholarship
sophomore, police department
This scholarship is for students who are employed by the WSU Police Department and have attained sophomore status.
WTUE Sandy Patton Endowed Scholarship
mass communication, communications, broadcasting, communication
This scholarship is for Mass Communication majors with a minimum gpa of 2.5 who plan to have a career in broadcasting.
YSI Scholarships in Environmental Science
environmental sciences
This scholarship is for ES majors.
Zoe Dell Lantis Nutter Dance Scholarship
This scholarship supports Dance majors. Please contact the department for details on how to apply.